i got into the habit of soaking seeds then putting them into the paper towel method
which seems to work very well.
however you do get the odd dud which im not sure how long to make sure its a dud.
Lately ive been throwing away seeds that dont pop within 48 hours, is this too soon?
i heard seeds can take up to a week to pop how true is this?
Soaking is popular BUT!
There are several HIGH end seed breeders who will NOT honor any implied or stated guarantee if you do soak them!
They state that most are simply drowning their seeds from too long or low dissolved o2 water used.
What does this mean?
DO NOT USE distilled water to pop beans - ever! No dissolved O2 - No bottled water! again, low to no dissolved O2! - No tap water that has been sat out to get rid of the chlorine! Little to no dissolved O2!
DO, add a few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide to water that has been bubbled or is fresh from the tap to boost the dissolved O2!
Soak less then 24 hrs!
Strive to get good at the paper towel method and use
good water for that too!
This issue is even a problem for soaked seeds that may be older and do pop. Then they die out with little to no growth after popping.
The root has drowned from needing more O2 then is available in the water!
Once that tap is 1/8 long - Time to put it in a media!