

Active Member
to me germnating is a waste of time just put the seed in the pot but u have to do it right like the soil and all that shit it will be faster cause u dont have to wait 2-3 days for the seed spout n then plant it in 2-3 days u can have a plant


Well-Known Member
just take a few wet paper towels and fold them up and put the seed in the midde, then place them in a warm spot out of direct sunlight and dont let them dry up


Active Member
cut the top off of a soda can pack it with topsoil water it only when its dry and wait for a sprout never failed me

insted of a soda can you could use a 16oz plastic cup


Active Member
actually, if you wrap your seeds in a wet paper towel, then wrap the paper towel in plastic wrap the towel will stay nice and wet. also i've hear to put them in a dark place, like a drawer, but i dont think it makes a difference. the sprouts will head torwArds the light if their is any.