

Well-Known Member
Im trying hydro first time having problems getting seeds to pop up.I have them in rockwool in a bowl with about one inch of water in bottom and under light(floural) whi ch is what the kit said 24 hours light on for warmth its been about 4days and nothing!:confused:


New Member
i tried planting the seeds directly in to rock wool but nothing happened, then i used two plastic flower pot bases one on top of the other as a lid and i placed paper towels two sheets folded up in the bottom plate thing and then i wet it with ph 5.5 water and then put my seeds in, then i place another folded paper towel, two sheets on top and i soak the whole lot, creating a paper towel seed sandwich effect and then i put the other flower pot base "the reservoir thing that you place unter a potted plant" on top and then place the whole thing on my router where its nice and warm and in 24hrs the tap roots have emerged up to 15 mm long so that worked very well for me ................

good luck


New Member
try germinating the same seeds again with some new ones, maybe they will germinate... and ph seems to make a difference, as i used bottle water first "that was about 8" but for my second attempt i calibrated it with a few dops of lemon juice to 5.5 and kept them warm and dark, they greminated really fast????