Germination has commenced!


Active Member
Not sure if I truly need a heat mat to be honest. My grow space can hit temps of up to 90+ without fans on, perhaps I'd be fine with just the trays?


Well-Known Member
Not sure if I truly need a heat mat to be honest. My grow space can hit temps of up to 90+ without fans on, perhaps I'd be fine with just the trays?
You shouldn't be germing in your grow space where temps are hitting 90. You want a root zone of about 75 for optimum germing. Germ somewhere else like a regular room in your house where the temps are normal 60-70 degrees. Then use the dome and mat combo and get the root zone where you need it. The bottom line is that you want to germ with a root zone temp of 75. If you're house is hot then you may not need a heat mat, just a dome. Your grow space seems too hot however.

I use a cfl bulb a couple of inches above the dome. The seedlings reach for it when they pop. Once they get started I transfer the starter cubes into small pots and then introduce them into my growspace. My germing setup is a separate station.

Quality seeds want to pop. With the right temps you can germ on a cue ball.

It's amazing how easy germing is once you get your system dialed in and you're working with quality seeds. Confidence helps too, because if you're confident you won't start disturbing the seeds while they're trying to do their thing. Sometimes it can take 14 days for a seed to germ.


Active Member
You shouldn't be germing in your grow space where temps are hitting 90. You want a root zone of about 75 for optimum germing. Germ somewhere else like a regular room in your house where the temps are normal 60-70 degrees. Then use the dome and mat combo and get the root zone where you need it. The bottom line is that you want to germ with a root zone temp of 75. If you're house is hot then you may not need a heat mat, just a dome. Your grow space seems too hot however.

I use a cfl bulb a couple of inches above the dome. The seedlings reach for it when they pop. Once they get started I transfer the starter cubes into small pots and then introduce them into my growspace. My germing setup is a separate station.

Quality seeds want to pop. With the right temps you can germ on a cue ball.

It's amazing how easy germing is once you get your system dialed in and you're working with quality seeds. Confidence helps too, because if you're confident you won't start disturbing the seeds while they're trying to do their thing. Sometimes it can take 14 days for a seed to germ.
If you read, you'd read that that was only without the fans on which are rarely. I realize that 90 is much too hot. I do just need to get the hang of it I'm sure and after a few more attempts down the line I'm sure I'll be successful.


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Wow, this may be a very near miss for all my Polar Express seeds. After nothing, again today I checked them. One plant began growing upside down, so I'm guessing my transplant was the cause of this. Sucks being a noob. Another looks to be sprouting but I'm not quite sure. The third wound up being much deeper in the soil than I thought it was, and it hasn't germ'd fully. I removed the plant growing upside down fully, and re-potted it immediately with its taproot facing down. A little yellow sprout is appearing out of the soil, facing downwards a bit. Hoping it's going to bounce up now that it has light. Same with the other one. And the third... god help her. Damn. But the good news is I'm germing my other seeds with new gained knowledge and am hoping for better results! Here's some pictures!

It's now later in the day, and the last picture was taken just a few minutes ago. She's bouncing back alright! Just waiting on the other two!



Well-Known Member
yeah she will straighten up nicely. just gotta keep being patient i know it is the hardest part. Im on my first grow to and i swear i checked in on my seeds every 2 hours for 5 days until they sprouted, worrying the whole time lol. but you just gotta sit back and let nature do its thing


Active Member
yeah she will straighten up nicely. just gotta keep being patient i know it is the hardest part. Im on my first grow to and i swear i checked in on my seeds every 2 hours for 5 days until they sprouted, worrying the whole time lol. but you just gotta sit back and let nature do its thing
Lol yeah exactly! I'm in there all the time checking. But it's awesome, every hour I go in there I'm noticing a difference! She's getting straighter and her leaves are opening! This is so exciting hahaha. I imagine in the morning I'll have a nice surprise.


Well-Known Member
Lol yeah exactly! I'm in there all the time checking. But it's awesome, every hour I go in there I'm noticing a difference! She's getting straighter and her leaves are opening! This is so exciting hahaha. I imagine in the morning I'll have a nice surprise.
yeah, by mornign i think u will see its 2 cotyledons totally unfolded and probably its first two real leaves started. then its going to get real boring, seriously, like watching grass grow. eventually the novelty of going in every few hours wears off trust me


Active Member
yeah, by mornign i think u will see its 2 cotyledons totally unfolded and probably its first two real leaves started. then its going to get real boring, seriously, like watching grass grow. eventually the novelty of going in every few hours wears off trust me
Oh I'm sure, but that's probably for the best, the less tampering the better! Speaking of tampering... I checked my other two seeds and I'm pretty certain they're both dead... giving them a few more days undisturbed and not going to water till they're more dry. Threw in a seed in a glass of water just in case, trying to have three autos going. I suppose I should start trying out all different methods and figure out the best way.


Well-Known Member
Oh I'm sure, but that's probably for the best, the less tampering the better! Speaking of tampering... I checked my other two seeds and I'm pretty certain they're both dead... giving them a few more days undisturbed and not going to water till they're more dry. Threw in a seed in a glass of water just in case, trying to have three autos going. I suppose I should start trying out all different methods and figure out the best way.
what makes you think they are dead? just be patient they may surprise you.
something last ditch you cna try and i really dont recomend it but it did work for me. if the seed has a nice long tap root and has mostly broken open then leave the seed part above the soil with the open part exposed to light, and make sure the rest of the root is buried. this will cause photosynthesis to start in the exposed bit, then wait 48 hours for the seed shell to dry up enough that you can remove it with a very light touch and pull your plant kicking and screaming into the world. Ive got 2 seeds to start like this, but ive killed two doign this before they were ready, so like i said last ditch effort only.


Active Member
Well it's pushing 9 days now and only one has sprouted. I looked at one of the seeds a few days ago, and it had cracked but it didn't look like it was going anywhere. I moved it closer to the top of the soil. The other one I'm unsure of as to whether it has a taproot or not I have yet to check.

I feel like all my seeds were planted too deep. I just corrected the problem and they are now probably 1/4th inch from the top before they were more 3/4th of an inch. All but one seed has cracked now so that's 6/7 seeds thus far. I have a seed that's been sitting in a glass of water for almost 24 hours now and it has yet to crack, that's my insurance seed if I can't get the second or third Polar Express seeds to sprout! Otherwise though, my one baby that has sprouted is looking very lush and green. The stem is kind of fuzzy and pinkish purple. I can just make out the two first true leaves, now that is awesome.

I'm also beginning to think I may be watering them WAAY too much... I water 2-3 times a day and keep the soil damp constantly. Should I be letting the soil dry out completely before watering?


Well-Known Member
you need to keep the soil moist, but not wet for germination. To do this i was using a spray bottle and just lightly misting every few hours to keep the top soil damp, not full on watering every time.
I think you shoul dbe alright now i wouldnt water them again, just let them do there thing, there should be enough moisture in your medium for them to sprout, a little goes a long way. the taproot can absorb even tiny amounts of moisture and use it. the main reason for makign the soil extremely wet in the first place is to trigger the seed to crack open, after that it dosent need much moisture to continue germing, as long as it dosent dry otu completely

imagine how it would happen in nature, a big rain storm completely soaks the ground, seeds in the ground start to crack open. after that the sun will dry up the soil so the seed is left with whatever moisture it can grab from around it as it tries to push itself into the surface. the root will dig down to find more moisture to use, while the sprout will push up through the dry soil to find the sun.


Active Member
you need to keep the soil moist, but not wet for germination. To do this i was using a spray bottle and just lightly misting every few hours to keep the top soil damp, not full on watering every time.
I think you shoul dbe alright now i wouldnt water them again, just let them do there thing, there should be enough moisture in your medium for them to sprout, a little goes a long way. the taproot can absorb even tiny amounts of moisture and use it. the main reason for makign the soil extremely wet in the first place is to trigger the seed to crack open, after that it dosent need much moisture to continue germing, as long as it dosent dry otu completely

imagine how it would happen in nature, a big rain storm completely soaks the ground, seeds in the ground start to crack open. after that the sun will dry up the soil so the seed is left with whatever moisture it can grab from around it as it tries to push itself into the surface. the root will dig down to find more moisture to use, while the sprout will push up through the dry soil to find the sun.
Yeah see I just smoked a joint and had that recollection just 20 minutes ago. Realizing that I should be trying to emulate mother nature, naturally the sun comes up and dries the soil haha. Woops. Oh well, newbs gotta learn man.


Active Member
Ahhh I may have to take down the emergency blankets.... I think they're holding too much heat! On top of that, I don't think my carbon filter is allowing enough air to escape. I just installed a second intake on the top opposite the exhaust, a second computer fan blowing 44 CFM (supposedly). There's a pocket of hot air around the fan blowing into the filter so I'm thinking that may be the issue... in which case I'm not sure what to do. Not sure how I would mount a proper fan and carbon filter in a way that it wouldn't protrude on the inside of the grow box, because the light rack wouldn't be able to work. I'm really concerned about smell. I'm considering buying ONA gel and make a ONA bucket and place that in the room where the cab is sitting.


Well-Known Member
some pictures would help i think. intakes should be at the bottom for cold air to come in. exhaust at the top

you can always have your fan and filter outside the grow tent/box and just a piece of ducting running from it to the tent. this method sucks the air from the tent and pushes it through the filter, and is definatly something you can do if your short on room.

myself i have my fan and filter inside my tent duct taped together with no ducting, hung from ropes and duct taped into the vent hole of my tent, with the fan pulling air through the filter then out of the tent. its ghetto but it works. id take a picture but its lights off right now.


Active Member

Temp is now a stable 81. Really too bad I had to remove the emergency blanket... but I'm going to be putting paper up tomorrow or later tonight.


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Active Member
yup, not sure i can help you much with the temp problem, sorry. Paper or white paint works well, and if u can keep the temp about where you have it things should work out. someone more experiences with DIY grow boxes would know more then i
I may wind up getting a grow tent after my birthday, or for my next crop.


Active Member
Ahhhhh Susan is coming along nicely, that's what I've named my one seedling. She's at two days now, and is looking great. Vibrant green with leaves starting to stretch upwards with the first two true leaves getting bigger and bigger!