Germination Help


hey guys, i was wondering if i have to germinate the seeds before i put them in soil or can i just pop them right in the soil with the pointy end down (where the sprout comes out). Thanks for any help :leaf:

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
That method is perfectly acceptable. Cannabis has been germinating itself for thousands of years in this manner.
The "soaking" and "paper towels" may give you a higher germ rate because you are helping weaker seeds make it.
However, I prefer that only the strongest genetics to flourish in my grow. Good luck & good grow.......BB


Active Member
Burger proves a point genetic wise. But if your beginner just go ahead a germ them you may not have so many seeds or easy access to them. I usually just drop em in a cup of water and in a couple of days they have poped then go ahead and put it in your soil or growing medium and your good to go.


Well-Known Member
Put them in a cup of water for 24hrs. Take out with spoon and place them on a plate with a paper towel. Cover with another paper towel and soak. Put another plat on top and place into a clothes wardrope(thats what I do). Leave another 24hrs and they should have grown tap roots. 100% sucsess with this method. Best of luck

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Put them in a cup of water for 24hrs. Take out with spoon and place them on a plate with a paper towel. Cover with another paper towel and soak. Put another plat on top and place into a clothes wardrope(thats what I do). Leave another 24hrs and they should have grown tap roots. 100% sucsess with this method. Best of luck
Let's look at it this way......When the germination process begins, the little tap root appears; it's covered in microscopic "hairs", essential for good root development.
IF, the process is started IN soil, these "hairs" are UNDISTURBED. However, if you choose to use the "soak & paper towel" method, and then transplant to soil, some damage is unavoidable. Obviously, it's not fatal, or it would never work, I'm just saying that SOME damage is being done by using the "external" germination methods. My other point refers to some seeds that are in a weakened condition, by reason of age, immaturity, or just crappy genetics. They might germinate if given a good soak or some other "life support". But again I say,
NO inferior genetics in MY garden, thank you.......BB


Well-Known Member
Let's look at it this way......When the germination process begins, the little tap root appears; it's covered in microscopic "hairs", essential for good root development.
IF, the process is started IN soil, these "hairs" are UNDISTURBED. However, if you choose to use the "soak & paper towel" method, and then transplant to soil, some damage is unavoidable. Obviously, it's not fatal, or it would never work, I'm just saying that SOME damage is being done by using the "external" germination methods. My other point refers to some seeds that are in a weakened condition, by reason of age, immaturity, or just crappy genetics. They might germinate if given a good soak or some other "life support". But again I say,
NO inferior genetics in MY garden, thank you.......BB
WOW a bit technical for me. I have my way and it works. I may add aswel that some of my seedlings that look the worst out the bunch turn into the best. Lets be honest, if using seeds its a gamble on genetics. Im still waiting for the one. lol


Well-Known Member
I personally do the wet paper towel approach. The seeds are easier to monitor. Just make sure you don't let them soak for too long after they germ. Also important to keep germing area warm temps, and cover the plate so seeds are in the dark. Excellent germ tates using this technique