Germination Help.


Active Member
I started my 2 seeds off in a little tray with damp napkins and put a cover over them and waited 2 days. I looked at them after the 2 days where up and no sprout. No worrys i decided to wait another day and have been checking them for a whole week now and i still don't have a sprout. Should i keep waiting or should i just start fresh with some new seeds?


Active Member
...usually healthy seeds sprout more quickly than that. 24-48 hrs is typical.

a few questions:

was the cover airtight? (in otherwords did the napkin/paper towel stay damp?)

did you keep them in a warm place? something like 78-80 deg F should be good. --- for this some people use their PC, DVR, top of frig, etc.

i have a large fish tank which is always 80deg., so i placed the container on top and within 24hrs. i say the tap roots emerge.

anyother little trick is to use a tiny amount of H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide). Dilute a tsp on H2O2 in 1 gallon of water, and use this water to wet the paper towel. ...use the rest of the water on your house plants --- they will love it.

hope this helps...

- eyes88


Active Member
Yea i have the seeds basically air tight covered. I'm wondering if not enough air is getting inside or something. I have them on my computer in a warm spot. Theirs definitely humidity because everytime i open it theirs a lot of condensation on the top of the lid.


Well-Known Member
Well, everything sounds okay. The air in the container is fine. Have you looked at the seeds lately? Are they cracking open? Also, where did you get the seeds?


Active Member
...sound like you are doing everything right. Perhaps the seeds weren't fit.

Where seeds bagseeds or from a seed bank?

...most pot grown commercially is seedless in this day and age, so the stray seed that you run across may be imature (under developed).

were the seeds pale green? or were they brown?

- eyes88


Active Member
To answer the first question, they where bad seeds. My friend gave me 3 of them. One of them was a whiteish color so i garbaged that one but my other 2 where a dark brown. I compared them with other seeds on the site and they where definitely seeds so i think I'm ok their.


Well-Known Member
The bad seeds could have been exposed to humidity and started germinating at some point, and so now are not viable. I also had some problems with seeds not sprouting or germinating recently. I believe I did not store them at the proper humidity because it was going up and down quite a lot. This time I'm storing my extra seeds in the fridge in a little zip baggie in film container full of rice.


Well-Known Member
I use plastic wrap, fold up a napkin, wet it, put it on the plastic wrap, wet another napkin, set the seeds on the first napkin, set the second ontop, and seal up the plastic wrap. I set that ontop of my cable box, and it stays very warm. Usually takes 2 to 3 days for all of my seeds to germinate (I usually do a dozen bagseeds at a time).

I keep the napkin more moist than not moist.


Active Member
Well I figured it out...i talked to my friend that gave me the seeds. He told me that they went threw the wash, he said he didn't think it would matter any but hes got somemore hes going to hook me up with. This time hes going to try not to let his mom wash his pant with my seeds in them. stoners...what u guna do?...:hump: Thanks for all the help!!