Germination issues

Hey all,

I've been through 1 grow, but have always had issues germinating the seeds and getting them to continue on to plants. I've tried the paper towel method which has worked for some and not all of them. I have also tried starting them off from seed with the pointed end up in a jiffy peat pellet and have failed.

What seems to happen is that the seed pops and has a taproot that comes out a tiny bit and then stops growing. I keep it damp and am wondering what it is that I am doing that is causing them to not grow.

Any assistance is much appreciated. Thanks!


Active Member
I bet your idea of moist is actually soaking ass wet and you are drowning your seeds. Try using less water than you feel comfortable with and I bet that fixes the problem. I was doing that without realizing it. Try keeping in mind they need plenty of oxygen as well as a "moist atmosphere", not completely wet.


Active Member
Squeeze excess water out of peat pellet before inserting seed. Also take off wrapper before placing in medium. If conditions are optimal after (4 days of no show) put starter light on her. Water with trigger sprayer not right on top of pellet. New just my experience.


Well-Known Member
I put my seeds in a small glass half full of water and put it in a dark place for 24 hours. I plant the ones that sink whether they've germinated or not. I did 11 seeds that way and 10 sunk and all 10 came up when I planted them. As for the other, it probably only had air in its husk. I tried the paper towel method with another batch of seeds, but it didn't work well with me. The shot glass works great.


Well-Known Member
go simple before you start running:
get a non fertilized soil, fill a pot with it, water it with dechlorinated water (distilled water if you can), let it drain and wait 2 hours.
Put the moist soil in cups with drainage holes and place one seed on top of the soil, one in each cup.
sprinkle soil just enough to cover the seeds.

If the top gets light brown in color it means it lacks water. Mist it with 2-3 pushes on the trigger.

After you got that working you might wanna try other tricks.


Well-Known Member
place seed however they drop in the pot. They will move however they want on their own in soil.
Pre soak is optional for fresh seeds. Seeds that are dry and old would need a good soak.

I germinate after soaking for 12 hours using peat pellets expanded in dechlorinated water with a bit of rooting hormone.
I use that for my 10 bucks a seed strains.
For my 2 bucks a seed strain I soak like the other ones as I wait for them as well and put 'em in some soil.

Don't overthink it (to start with). Think about it like planting lettuce seeds. just put them in the dirt.
Your growing plants, not rockets.


Well-Known Member
No. when they pop they need light and following them is too much work.
Get the light at a fair distance to prevent accelerated evaporation of the moisure in the pots. Also don't use too much venting.

A 45W CFL at 10' away is my way. A shop light at the same distance would be even better.
Hey all,

Really appreciate all the feedback. Its my first time using jiffy peat and i've used rockwool before and I might be drowning them. I just started another bean in water and im going to test out how well that works. So with jiffy peat (i know you remove the netting before planting) do you just use a sprayer on trigger to make sure they are wet? Wouldnt that cause all the peat to go flying everywhere? How we do you keep the things?



Well-Known Member
Actually the netting doesn't really break down that fast. I usually have it around until harvest.
However, it doesn't do anything.

You should KEEP THE NETTING and let them expand in water for 4 hours or so.

Then you should squeeze some water out until the netting becomes a bit white again and not soggy.
Its better to underwater than overwater with those things.

If your jiffy starts to pale (dry out) spray it with 2-3 window cleaning sprayer (filled with water of course!) clicks.
Or an equal amount with whatever sprayer you have around.


New Member
This is the second time today I have had to hit you up with a +REP for a great answer and a resource! I've never hit anyone up twice in one day, lol

Great answers and great resource.

Thank you very much. I have to wait to get back round to repping you again but i wont forget.
I did not know it was you who repped.
Remember to leave your name when repping so i know who to hit up as i have a few with no name on them.



New Member
dont use jiffy plugs.....soak in room temp for 24 hours in complete darkness room temp.....transfer to the "moist paper towel" method in complete darkness room 24 hours you should see sprouts. sow the seedlings in the pot you wish to grow them in. make a hole half inch deep drop them in and push soil over them


New Member
dont use jiffy plugs.....soak in room temp for 24 hours in complete darkness room temp.....transfer to the "moist paper towel" method in complete darkness room 24 hours you should see sprouts. sow the seedlings in the pot you wish to grow them in. make a hole half inch deep drop them in and push soil over them
Seeds should be planted 1/4" deep (5-6mm).


Well-Known Member
I give them light, they don't see it until they pop anyway.
I just keep the light far enough to barely cause heat or vaporation issues.

Rather than measuring how deep to saw marijuana (and a lot of other seeds that need a shallow planting) I just put them on top of the medium and sprinkle a fine layer of medium on top, just enough to hide the seeds. Then I mist the top with water.