Germination issues


New Member
I give them light, they don't see it until they pop anyway.
I just keep the light far enough to barely cause heat or vaporation issues.

Rather than measuring how deep to saw marijuana (and a lot of other seeds that need a shallow planting) I just put them on top of the medium and sprinkle a fine layer of medium on top, just enough to hide the seeds. Then I mist the top with water.
You can keep them under the lights until they sprout as the light wont penetrate the soil but i prefer the dark until they sprout.
Well I have a jock horror going right now that i used the paper towel method. Its doing wonderful in a small hempy bucket right now made out of a solo cup. I just want to get another one going and I previous used rockwoll and was giving the jiffy peat a run for the money. Its been a tough one but I appreciate all the help.