Germination (Paper Towel) Issue


Hey everyone,

This is my first time growing so chances are I'm over analyzing normal seed behavior.

I started germinating 5 Maui Wowie seeds about 40 hours ago. All 5 sunk using the water method, then I moved to the paper towel after 1 day, covered with 2 plates, and placed on top of my cable box for warmth. 1 seed is taking off and ready to be moved to grow medium, the other 4 haven't even cracked yet.

I would think 5 seeds of the same strain would progress in the same fashion.

Any ideas?


I've had some seeds crack over night and some take days.. even when given the exact same conditions. Not all crack or grow at the same seed. For germination... All I do is get a half sheet of paper towel, (moist, not dripping wet), put the seeds on it and fold over, then put in a plastic bag and move it to a warm and dark place. I've had high germination rates and have not needed to soak them prior.

I wouldn't give up hope on them yet :)


Hey roesn,

Good to know. I'll keep at it and hopefully start posting some great pics of the grow soon.



Active Member
Just the seed..some are better than others..some take longer than others.. I have had some take a week before the popped, while others where popped in 4 hours..I found that putting them somewhere eve warmer helped out such as on top of the hot water tank, between 2 plates wit moist paper towel and seran wrap to keep the humidity.


Well-Known Member
I put my paper towel wrapped seeds on a plate with a plastic bowl covering them, then put them in the top of my closet- works every time.


I put my paper towel wrapped seeds on a plate with a plastic bowl covering them, then put them in the top of my closet- works every time.
I wonder if the time it takes to germinate is an indication of the health of the seed or predictive of how it will grow once it reaches vegetative? It just seems weird how seeds form the same strain pop at different times.


Active Member
I generally leave in water until they have cracked and you can see the start of the tap root, then put straight into soil. Normally find the older the seed the longer they take in the water to crack, if they haven't cracked after 48 hours they generally don't in my experience ( But some still do).


I generally leave in water until they have cracked and you can see the start of the tap root, then put straight into soil. Normally find the older the seed the longer they take in the water to crack, if they haven't cracked after 48 hours they generally don't in my experience ( But some still do).
Good to know, thanks. Looks like a few more broke open in the last few hours :)