Germination problem


Well-Known Member
Hi folks,ive 29 seeds just germinated 4 days ago all with white tip and seed split.
Put in a heated propagator max temp 80 lowest temp 69 in the propagator.
The 5 arjans haze flew up snd are a inch tall now,the tangilope,pineapple have not come through the soil yet,skywalker kush and the odd 1 have popped.
Anyone any idea why this happened they all were planted root facing down and as i say the arjans loved it i just dont know whats happening to the rest,ive took the ajjans and other 3 that popped into a unheated propargator.i cant understand why some would fly up and others havent moved!!
An American a Chinese and a Russian all go to a bar together,

who gets drunk as fuck first ...?

same question

avoid mixing with Chinese or Russians

they'll fuck you up

Good luck
It was the cardboard pots sucked all the water out of the soil,then my pal thouggt they were underwaterd but the bottom of the pot was soaked.
I pulled the beans out that didnt work they all had a tap root about a inch that was shriveld and discoloured.
Never had this problem before im never gonna use the card/peat pots again,we couldnt tell how wet the light mix/vermiculite had gotten.
Just ordered more beans.