Germination question


ok so i started germinating three unknown strains that ive gotten seeds from shmokin

they were wetnd in papertowl for 24s but dried and got left can i rewet and still germinate?
noob question i know.


Hey cooper, I'd say you should be OK. I'm also a noob but I have a system that works very well for me. First, pour some water into a shot glass or any small vessel. Drop your seeds in and cover it with a bigger mug or something. You'll need to keep it reasonably warm. After a few hours your seeds should be split. Instead of using paper towels use a piece of real towel, pour boiling water over it then let it cool. Drop your seeds on the towel fold it up a few times and place in a zip lock bag to keep in the moisture in. Hope this helps.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Forget the paper towels dude.

Sounds like you don't know heads from tails about your grow. What lighting are you using? Soil? Containers?

What you should do is save yourself the hassle and get some organic potting soil, mix in 1 part perlite for every 2 parts soil, water it, and plant the seed about an inch or so down. Use a 25w Daylight CFL bulb in a 6" clamp light reflector about 3 inches above the soil. Add about an ounce of water every day to keep the top soil moist.

Wait 5 to 7 days.

Boom, you should have a plant.

Even better if you use Coco Peat instead of soil and perlite.


Well-Known Member
Yes they may germ still, i sowed a seed and took it out in a week, and place the seed back into a cup of water, later the roots still emergy. Only some work, if u leave it to dry u should see a black dot at the tip of the seed head. Meaning thats its dead for sure.