germination question


hello all, i have bought 9 orange bud seeds and put them into germination they all opened and a small root come out as normal.. i planted them and only 4 have come out, i planted them on the 12th should they be showing by now or can it just be late ones?


Well-Known Member
Could be late could be dead.

I like to just drop mine into a small hole in the medium cover it and light them up on 18/6.



ive put mine in 24 hour light, dont know when to call it a day if there not showing maybe ill give it 5-7days more


Well-Known Member
WHY do people insist on the paper towel crap or dunking them for 24 in water? Good God no wonder so many have failures. Experienced growers can and do use these methods - unnecessarily. I seed diretly into Root Shooters for soil grows, pH adjusted rockwool cubes for hydro. Both into a domed seedling tray with a cheap reptile heat mat from Pet Smart uner it. 100% germination - 100%. Now a couple in the last year germed with not being able to make it like any plant. But most were above the top showing itsy bitsy cute widdo leaves in less than 4 days, most in 3. No nutes, light is unimportant until the are above ground but needed once out and keeping the medium used moist and NOT WET or dry as a bone and they go! Roots in both mediums within a week are showing. I have even sprouted 2 directly in a DWC with the solution (straight pH adjusted water) just below the surface of the rocks. Both rooted and literally took off.

In short if seeds don't germinate it's because of the person handling it last.

past times

Well-Known Member
I would try to uncove the ones that didn't sprout, but more then likely dead at this point. You only want a quarter inch (at most) of soil over the top of the seed. normally will see it break the surface within a day or 2. what kind of soil are you using? The 4 that came up looking good?


yeah! there looking great thanks but as far as the other ones i might just try and recover them and see what if they even tried to root, and get some more and replaced them, as hotrodharley has said about "root shooters" what is that? about to google it now


Well-Known Member
There has been times where a seedling I was caring for got stuck under a clump of bark or soil. Survivability depends on how quickly I notice and react. What I do I take a toothpick or small stick and gently pull back the soil until the root is exposed. It's risky because if you bend the root it can die.


Well-Known Member
Tap water and potting soil made specifically for seed germination has always served me well . I've never pH the water for my corn, so can't imagine why I'd do that for cannabis. I also never pre-germinate. Always sow directly into the medium


i have 6 plants turn out fine and germinated them the same way and turned out fine but i once put a seed into soil with out germinating it and nothing?? so personally i prefere the paper towel way so far


Well-Known Member
The problem with paper towel methods etc. is that every seed germinates at a different rate, making it very difficult to sow at proper depths.

And since beans are expensive, I switched to sowing directly into medium. Those peat pucks are great, 100% all the time.


New Member
WHY do people insist on the paper towel crap or dunking them for 24 in water? Good God no wonder so many have failures. Experienced growers can and do use these methods - unnecessarily. I seed diretly into Root Shooters for soil grows, pH adjusted rockwool cubes for hydro. Both into a domed seedling tray with a cheap reptile heat mat from Pet Smart uner it. 100% germination - 100%. Now a couple in the last year germed with not being able to make it like any plant. But most were above the top showing itsy bitsy cute widdo leaves in less than 4 days, most in 3. No nutes, light is unimportant until the are above ground but needed once out and keeping the medium used moist and NOT WET or dry as a bone and they go! Roots in both mediums within a week are showing. I have even sprouted 2 directly in a DWC with the solution (straight pH adjusted water) just below the surface of the rocks. Both rooted and literally took off.

In short if seeds don't germinate it's because of the person handling it last.

I always leave in tap water for 24 hours to soften up the seed shell and I always use the paper towel method so I can actually see which ones germinate. Why do you have your panties in a bunch over other peoples methods that have been proven to work great?
Whats with all the bitches and whining lately.. so if a noob fucks up, that method must suck? lol Ive been growing over 13 years using the 24 hr soak and paper towel..


The paper towl method is a great way to check germination rates in a seed stock. I'm not sure when this nursery industry technique got commandeered as an appropriate method of starting seeds you actually want to keep.


Well-Known Member
Ya, Hot Rod, wtf are these rooter shooters? Lol im thinking rapid rooter plugs but when i read it all i could think about was doing hooter shooters at the strippers lmao. Im not a fan of the paper towel either, reminds me of finding freclkles on my toilet paper :)


just a quick one, can you tell me how the root shooters work you just put the seed into it an water ? then when the roots are showing though plant them into soil? thanks for your replies


New Member
I dont use root shooters because its a waste of money if im already getting 95% sucess rate... and to anybody that says they get 100%... not every fuckin seed in the world is gonna germinate... if a seed doesnt gernminate it could be for 1,000 different reasons..


Well-Known Member
I dont use root shooters because its a waste of money if im already getting 95% sucess rate... and to anybody that says they get 100%... not every fuckin seed in the world is gonna germinate... if a seed doesnt gernminate it could be for 1,000 different reasons..

Very true not every seed in the world is viable to germ.

However have you thought that those of us that have so far a 100% germ rate don't bother with immature pail seeds, or that we haven't tried every seed.

All we're saying is why risk contaminating a new root with whatever is on your hands, or snap a taproot as your planting it.

Plant straight into your medium, keep it moist and warm, light it up if you want (I do).

It's all about KISS. Keeping it simple stoner.

What's easier than putting it directly into the medium?



Well-Known Member

I always leave in tap water for 24 hours to soften up the seed shell and I always use the paper towel method so I can actually see which ones germinate. Why do you have your panties in a bunch over other peoples methods that have been proven to work great?
Whats with all the bitches and whining lately.. so if a noob fucks up, that method must suck? lol Ive been growing over 13 years using the 24 hr soak and paper towel..
Confucius said a wise man learns from mistakes - preferably those made by others. Panties? Bite my fucking ass.


Well-Known Member
And if it doesn't appear then guess what? It didn't germ and you can reuse the puck. Waste your time - who gives a shit? You newbies who don't like it the hard way would be advised to plant directly into the medium and wait. Like real farmers.


just a quick update, i done as vindicated said what he would do and its helped so far im gonna need a few days to see if there are results, i used a tooth pick moved some soil about and found them a bit deeper i remembered putting them in!? so they look like there trying to reach out to the top but maybe just to deep? but we will see what happens now light has acces to them more.