Germination retardation!


Well-Known Member
This seed has been in rockwool for about a week now. No sign of it sprouting. What am I doing wrong?

I have 1 42wtt floro over the rockwool. The temps stayaround 70-80 all day. Is this seed just no good??


Well-Known Member
no I did not. I presoaked the rockwool for a day then I planted the seed in the rockwool. I've sprouted seeds this way before so I didn't think much of it.


Active Member
Yeah you should try germinating it in a paper towel and tupperware (or something similar) first before moving it to a medium. :hump:


New Member
dude just fold up a paper towl spray it moist put it in a ziplock bag. put it on you water heater in the garage. works great in about 2 days!!


Active Member
you can still do it in rockwool keep it warm wet and dark till you see the sprout, it could be a dud, i thought i had a dud once so i put the seed in a glass of water after 2weeks of tryin to germinate it and it only sprouted iwas delighted so if worse comes to worse try the glass of water. hope this helps


Well-Known Member
cant go wrong with the good old wet paper towl with a few seeds wrapped inside. always worked for me. and using this germination method the seeds that won't going, don't waste any of your real growing materials.


Well-Known Member
Have they swollen up and darkened up if so they won't germinate any more,use the paper towel method or cup with water which I prefer and wait till they crack then put in rockwool.You will have better results versus just putting the seeds directly in the rockwool.


Well-Known Member
I always germinated that way. I just took a different road this time. What if I raised the temps & kept it in the dark?


i would say that the seed is not going to make it at this point....... :'(
no body wants to hear that, but it happens.
Give it a couple more days and if nothing happens dig the seed out and see if you cant yet still germinate it. Its worth a try and its farther than where its at now.
Hope this helps!

EDIT: P.S.- When germinating seeds its better to have the heat under the seeds not over them. I use a back heating pad and put it under my germinating seeds/clones. Also helps if you have a cloning dome or something along those line, just to keep moister in with the germinating seeds!


Well-Known Member
Yeah a big ass part of me thinks this seed is a lagger. I wish it would just tell me she doesn't wana come into this world.


Active Member
Yeah, at this point it's just a waiting game. No sense in wasting the rockwool, so just leave it alone. As long as you keep it warm and damp the seed has just as much of a chance in that rockwool as it does anywhere else. Give it some time, might take a little longer than the old PT method.

Get a heating pad. :hump: