Germination & UV Lighting

Farmer Mark

Active Member
I usually keep the window open so the plant can feel the breeze...eccept when I turn the lights off, otherwise the room gets too cold, ...that should help...


I covered the lower part of the stem with extra soil...untill I nearly reached the rim of the pot...this helped a lot,,,the plantsare growing straight,,even the leaves are straightening up towards the lights!!!

I'll send more info and pics in a few days!!!and keep the thread posted!!



Active Member
hey. just looking for abit of info on the right lighing to use for starting out. iv a plant growing about a week now. it has grown two inches tall so far but im worried about the lighting ect. How bright does it have to be? I've been using a normal lamp from the start should i switch to flouresent lighting or stay with my own lamp. If any one knows about the temperatures and hours is should be keeping it under the light. It seems healthy at the moment and growing good so any tips would be great.
Cheers guys

The Virginian

Active Member
ok, I've germinated the two seeds in the towel,. and set everything out in my bizarre growing room, with one really small fluorescent light,...(I'm not even sure its fluorescent...)...the lamp gives a good lighting...but its only around 16 WATTS! :S...

I've attached a few pics of my growing "ROOM"...I actually have a lot of space to grow my plants in, but since the plants still have to grow, I used up my desk... The pohotos arent really clear,,, I've covered 3 walls around the plants with shiny stuff... i . e alluminium foil and special tanning mattresses...while I left my window open in front of the plants...for ventilation.-.. the only thing which worries me is that the air which comes from the window is too cold(from 2C° to 10C° average 5C°)...but it also mixes with the hot air produced by the lamp and the 23C° which my room has...

anyway if any of you has any suggestions or improvements for my growing room etc...plz tell me!
Dude look all you got to do to get your stuff going is to get some compact florescent lights about 23 watts 100 watt equivalent try 2 to a plant look on the package make sure it's 1600 lumen(area lights dispersed) 2700-3000 kelvin (color heat) slow grow but its a start place about 2 inches above plant and leave alone till water time now because the ones you have have started stretching they might turn out male but as they grow raise the lights. And like you were told by someone else get a fan it helps the stem
The use of UV light to treat severe skin conditions is called phototherapy. One of the most severe conditions of the skin treated with ultraviolet light is psoriasis.


UV light definitely speed up the germination of these seeds but the subsequent growth of the seedlings was markedly retarded.