Germination...What Method?


Well-Known Member
i think germination = user preference.

there are so many methods out there.

and many people prefer one over the other.

i suggest you try whichever you feel is the most foolproof.

as a new grower ive tried 2 methods so far -- they both worked for me.

1)paper towel.

2)cup of water.

so far -- i would prefer the cup of water

but thats just me.



Well-Known Member
There are 101 ways of cooking a chicken. THey all work.

Personally i just put them in their medium and let them do their thing, as they have naturally done for a few thousand years without any issue. If you can't get them to sprout without issue in a pot of soil, then the chances are that there is something pretty wrong with your grown environment from the get go.
I used to do that too, but i planted 27 seeds in soil last month and they didn't start to pop until 4-10 days later and only some popped,i put 20 seeds on a paper towel and 14 popped with-in 24 hours and the rest with-in 36 and all the seeds came from different sources,sure there is a lot of ways and I'm not trying to say your way is wrong
i actually like germinating in soil i just hate the time difference VS the paper towel.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I've had 100% success with every single seed i've ever put in soul be it something i made myself or any old which breeder. Nor did i see any difference in timings. I can't really see any difference between a seed in wet soil and a seed in wet paper, it is the moisture that is allowing the seed to pop, not the paper. Once it is in paper and has germinated, you still have to then plant it in your medium and wait for it to break the surface. I have tried all methods, it was always swings and roundabouts, so i just put them straight in their medium as per nature and because it is just that much easier for me. I water the pot and leave it, a week later i have seedlings.

On top of that my thoughts have always been that if your germination method is based on a time frame, then this is simply nothing more than poor time management or impatience.


Well-Known Member
i think the reason ppl germ in damp paper towels is they can't wait a week for them to pop by themselves. but i think beginners should just plant and keep em moist because it's an infalible method. paper towels can dry out. why chance it?