

Well-Known Member
No... but if you dont have your seeds in a warm dark spot it will slow it down. If you do use tap H2O, let it sit overnight to remove the chlorine. Ph it as well.


Well-Known Member
No... they might be fine... Don't freak out! Be patient... it may take 3-4 days. This is what I do:

Seeds go into damp (NOT WET) paper towel...fold it over 2 or 3 times.
Place paper towel into ziplock baggie. Put baggie into a plastic DVD case. Set it on the cable box for warmth. Wait. 3 days and you should see some action.
Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
You can kill the seeds if you germinate them in a cup of water.

If you do germinate them this way, take them out as soon as you see the tap root start to emerge. The roots need a little air, and will suffocate immersed in water.

(that's why buddy above said put them in damp, not wet paper towel - by wet he really means, not soaked)


Well-Known Member
Oh, your germinating in a cup of soil, not a cup of water, is that right?

Um, and what do you mean, 'where do they go'...? Not knowing what exactly you're asking, I'll answer, 'under a suitable light source'.


Well-Known Member
yeah under a suitable light source, and depending on the size of the cup you might want to look into a good size pot with lotsa good soil.