No... but if you dont have your seeds in a warm dark spot it will slow it down. If you do use tap H2O, let it sit overnight to remove the chlorine. Ph it as well.
No... they might be fine... Don't freak out! Be patient... it may take 3-4 days. This is what I do:
Seeds go into damp (NOT WET) paper towel...fold it over 2 or 3 times.
Place paper towel into ziplock baggie. Put baggie into a plastic DVD case. Set it on the cable box for warmth. Wait. 3 days and you should see some action.
Good Luck.
You can kill the seeds if you germinate them in a cup of water.
If you do germinate them this way, take them out as soon as you see the tap root start to emerge. The roots need a little air, and will suffocate immersed in water.
(that's why buddy above said put them in damp, not wet paper towel - by wet he really means, not soaked)