
Yea gonna go with moist potting soil in keg cup next time I think... I think, I'll grab a bag of pro mix today and grab more seeds tomorrow at least I got 1 of 20 to sprout right... If it survived what the other couldn't way I see it, it's gonna be a monster lol keep you posted
Hey was looking at this promix potting soil for direct germination... Any thoughts? Or should I be looking at something that is specific to starting seeds?


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never had success putting seeds in a cup of water.. i put seeds into a paper towel that is damp with tap water, fold it and put it in a dark warm area. after 3 days i check and as soon as they are popped i put in rockwool starter cubes...
we have all had seeds that pop but just never seem to come up,, shit happens, dont beat yourself up,, call the place u got ur seeds from and explain,,maybe they will send u some replacments...
my opinion is seeds that pop but dont come up are simply bad seeds,,then there are seeds that never pop to begin with,,old,bad genetics,,idk?? but crap is a word that works to describe..
i have thousands of seeds,, and i have noticed a decline in sprouting seeds,, seeds bought by marc emry back then popped and came up near 100%,,, seeds bought today ive had almost 40% either not pop or pop but never grow
oh and all my seeds are kept in a fridge, stored w/ a silica packet for moisture,, i follow the best way to keep them..
hey quick question in germination. I bought 5 kush seeds and 20 white widow seeds. I decided to put them in a glass of water to germinate them as this is what I did last spring with good results. Out of the 20 white widow 15 cracked and four of the kush. From there I planted the 15 cracked open seeds( tap root facing down) into peat pellets and put them under a dome to do their thing. One week later one of the kush seeds has sprouted and is about 3" tall as for the others they are still doing nothing. I couldn't resist digging one or two up carefully and checking what's going on, and they look exactly like the day I planted them. Any suggestions on why only one of fifteen is doing anything? Thanks
I also use a paper towel... folded on a saucer. I dampen the paper towel thoroughly and dump the runoff each day. Sometimes a sprouting mat is needed for just a little more heat. This method is also risky because the tap root can never dry out... into the Pro-Mix CC as soon as the tap root emerges. (2-4 days) Water only for two weeks. Best of luck!
never had success putting seeds in a cup of water.. i put seeds into a paper towel that is damp with tap water, fold it and put it in a dark warm area. after 3 days i check and as soon as they are popped i put in rockwool starter cubes...
we have all had seeds that pop but just never seem to come up,, shit happens, dont beat yourself up,, call the place u got ur seeds from and explain,,maybe they will send u some replacments...
my opinion is seeds that pop but dont come up are simply bad seeds,,then there are seeds that never pop to begin with,,old,bad genetics,,idk?? but crap is a word that works to describe..
i have thousands of seeds,, and i have noticed a decline in sprouting seeds,, seeds bought by marc emry back then popped and came up near 100%,,, seeds bought today ive had almost 40% either not pop or pop but never grow
oh and all my seeds are kept in a fridge, stored w/ a silica packet for moisture,, i follow the best way to keep them..
Makes me feel a lot better thanks
Last Friday I put 4 pineapple kush seeds in a cup of water. Two days later, nothing. Afraid of drowning, I took them out, done a quick dunk into tap water then place in a zip lock with a moist paper towel and a cfl about 4-5 inches. Temps were 78-82. 24 hrs later all 4 were popped. Next time I'll go straight to the zip lock.
Bought 20 more seeds. Any body ever try crop king seeds before? Hoping I have better luck this time. Lol


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Bought 20 more seeds. Any body ever try crop king seeds before? Hoping I have better luck this time. Lol
Throw them in a wet paper towel then into a dvd box and if you have somewhere warm like top of a fridge or something, check on them 24 hours later.

Soil needs to be damp not soaked pre water before planting

Then mist the top with a spray bottle once they are planted and mist every other day..

Works for me...

If you still feel unsure YouTube germination loads of useful tips.. good luck
solo cups filled with dirt, water the soil as if there was a plant in it, put the seed about 3/16" down and cover it with plastic wrap until you see a plant pop out. Nothing more nothing less and you will have a shit ton of plants by the weekend.
solo cups filled with dirt, water the soil as if there was a plant in it, put the seed about 3/16" down and cover it with plastic wrap until you see a plant pop out. Nothing more nothing less and you will have a shit ton of plants by the weekend.
Yea torn between that at putting in paper towel first, will probably try both 50/50 and report back with results
We're in glass of water five days I would say, just until seed cracked and I could see the wite of the root, then directly into the Pete pellets. You think it's possible I have the peat pellets too wet?

They drowned!

Some big time breeders are now telling everyone to NOT soak seeds! The lack of dissolved o2 in many waters will drown them.

Yours drowned from being IN the water to long and not getting enough o2 to continue growth. Their dead.

The breeders go on to say that unless you start their seeds their way.....They will not honor any guarantee - you must document your seed starting in pics too...

Get a paper towel wet with a shot of water and a few drops of H2O2 (3% peroxide) in that and wring the towel out so it's not dripping wet but, damp.
Put the beans in and fold the PT over the beans.
Place the PT in a ziplock bag and put that in a warm place.....You will have living popped beans in 24-48hrs!

I know there are many dedicated soakers out there - do what you need for you! If you get a "fail" - you know why..
So update, the one survivor seedling of twenty is doing well... Was about to throw away the tray of peat pods that I drown, so last night before bed, squeezed some of them to form a crack I could see down so I could see the dead seeds. Figured fuck it I'll throw them out in the morning and left the light on, I guess me squeezing the peat pods left a little breathing room or helped dry it out a bit? Not sure anyways I have three sprouting now, pretty excited lol may have jumped the gun and bought 20 more seeds not needing them
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They drowned!

Some big time breeders are now telling everyone to NOT soak seeds! The lack of dissolved o2 in many waters will drown them.

Yours drowned from being IN the water to long and not getting enough o2 to continue growth. Their dead.

The breeders go on to say that unless you start their seeds their way.....They will not honor any guarantee - you must document your seed starting in pics too...

Get a paper towel wet with a shot of water and a few drops of H2O2 (3% peroxide) in that and wring the towel out so it's not dripping wet but, damp.
Put the beans in and fold the PT over the beans.
Place the PT in a ziplock bag and put that in a warm place.....You will have living popped beans in 24-48hrs!

I know there are many dedicated soakers out there - do what you need for you! If you get a "fail" - you know why..
Probably going to avoid the glass of water this time... Although crop king highly suggests you soak for up to 18 hours, going to go with paper towel