germing seeds and heat

Sir. Gonzo

New Member
Nope.. Water,paper towel, heat, moisture, darkness. Never used or felt the need to use heat tray.. I use paper towel method and I've had a 100% success rate thus far.. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
probably not but you do need a STABLE ENVIROMENT, consistent heat and humidity, very little fluxuations for the first few weeks greatly improves your success percentages.


Well-Known Member
No...seeds in a moist napkin on a saucer plate on top of a cable box or refrigerator is fine. Re moisten every 24 hrs until they crack. Key word = MOIST, not drippy WET

quebec budzz

Well-Known Member
tks i hope that goes well with those early purple kush from reeferman,usually do they have good genetics thats the first time i go with the reeferman


Well-Known Member
Never had a prob I use Heat tray 24hr soak in water then in party cups on heat tray, Usually 2-3 days and little baby leaves.


Well-Known Member
I use this old fashioned technology for germination, it's called dirt.... It rarely fails, needs little attention, and it just seems...... natural......