see man, its this typa shit that i love to see. Fuckin jokin around. A stoner without a sense of humor is just a dickhead that smokes weed. He aint no stoner, thats for damn sure. Fuckin i been rickrollin people cuz i was bored as shit last night, n now i got TWO people out of the hundred that i rickrolled, on some typa mission to get me in trouble, LOL. they got my name in their sigs, bein all fuckin douchy tryin to make me look bad - meanwhile i got like 30 rep points since last night cuz its actually pretty funny to get half of RIU to watch that dumb shit, lol.
What the fuck do these people do for the duration of their grow man?? do they literally just sit there and watch the plants grow, minute by minute?? I couldnt imagine ANYONE without a sense of humor, let alone a fuckin pothead like us man
+rep for helpin to show the lighter side of life, n not your foreskink