Al B. Fuct
once had a dog named
Indoor is indoor whether you're in Baja or Bakersfield.
I think that mother plants may need three months to fully mature if Im not mistakenHey Al, just finished reading 57 pages of GREAT information, thanks much. I know quite A FEW many 'lazier' stoners (looking in MY general direction).
One thing I noticed was quite a few of the same the interest of the next person, I've taken the liberty of summing it all up.
NOTE:I've adjusted the following a bit just w/anecdotes I've picked up, 'notes to self', and a adjustment for DWC--not necessarily endorsed by Al.
Hope this helps and I would be honored with a critique.
Sea Of Green
Needed: 2 (eventually) 1000W HPS w/digi ballast, one over each pair of 4' x 4' trays
H2O2 (50% grade H2O2 @ 1ml/litre, about every 3-4 days)
Vita Grow Anti-Wilt Concentrate
Panda film
Canna Flores Substra
Canna Vega Substra
Canna PK-13-14.
Paper plates to cover plants base (no light on roots)
'Indoor Marijuana Horticulture' ISBN 1-878823-17-5
Plants grown from seed need 6-8 weeks to sexual maturity.
-Under my old light, 24 hrs
Canna Vega Sunstra, 1400ppm, 5.5-5.8, also H2O2, Epsom salts and calcium.
Tip the main growth to force division
Take 15 days to re-grow-so 3 Momz need are really 6, (3 replacements)
-After 3-4 cuttings (about 2 mos worth) discard and replace (get gnarly), ready in about 2 weeks.
-Rooting takes 10-12 days
-No grow nutes added to clone watering mixture.
-pH correct with phosphoric acid 'pHDown' to 5.5 and add 10ml 50% grade H2O2 per 10L of clone watering soln
-Use my fluorescent 10-12 days, then put in BLOOM
24 hr light EXCEPT for 1st cutting (1 night dark, next few 18/6)
Every 2 weeks
All flowering tanks:
-get Canna Flores Substra, 1400ppm @ 5.5-5.8 (400ml ea A & B in 125L tank of 7.1 tapwater). except last tray
- teaspoon of Epsom Salts per 100L w/each new fresh mix
-10ml/125L of Canna liquid calcium. w/each new fresh mix
-get dosed with H2O2, 50% grade @ 1ml/litre every 3-4 days to control pathogens.
-1000 HPS @ 12/12
-tray 1 is mixed for just-rooted cuttings, from week 0-2. (900-1100ppm)pH5.8
-tray 2 is for week 2-4 (TRIM time!-once in week 2, once in 3) and gets a slightly stronger mix than #1.
-tray 3 gets 1300-1500ppm
Also gets a dose of 0.5ml/litre Canna PK-13-14 in wk 5 (a Phosphorous additive). (1300-1500ppm + whatever the PK-13-14 bumps it up to)
-tray 4 can be simply pH adjusted tap water
-Can just be ONE tray
As each batch of clones goes in to tray #1, a batch comes out of tray #4 to be harvested, every 2 weeks.
1400ppm @ 5.8.
Don't overwater nor overfertilize, keep your room at 24-26C @ 30-50% RH
Ppm may be lower for DWC
No problem.Hey Al, just finished reading 57 pages of GREAT information, thanks much.
OKOne thing I noticed was quite a few of the same the interest of the next person, I've taken the liberty of summing it all up.
NOTE:I've adjusted the following a bit just w/anecdotes I've picked up, 'notes to self', and a adjustment for DWC--not necessarily endorsed by Al.
Hope this helps and I would be honored with a critique.
Needed: 2 (eventually) 1000W HPS w/digi ballast, one over each pair of 4' x 4' trays
H2O2 (50% grade H2O2 @ 1ml/litre, about every 3-4 days)
Vita Grow Anti-Wilt Concentrate
Panda film
Canna Flores Substra
Canna Vega Substra
Canna PK-13-14.
Paper plates to cover plants base (no light on roots) (paper plates are not lightproof, use discs of panda film instead)
'Indoor Marijuana Horticulture' ISBN 1-878823-17-5
-Can just be ONE tray
The forum changes the title corresponding with the number of posts you have made. You had 15 posts as of this query. You are, effectively, a stranger to most of us with so few posts. As your post count increases, different, hopefully more appealing titles will be applied.A few questions popped up as I was reading, as well. When you have the time.......
First, totally off base, but how do you change your handle? Mine says 'RisingStock---stranger. That bothers me for some reason.....
There is no heating in the area where my op is located, but then I don't live in a climate that ever gets freezing temps. My house doesn't have any permanent heating, either. Don't need it. My op has to cope with being in an unheated space, but most of the year, the air temp is about 20C. In deepest winter, it will get down to about 12C for a few days a year, almost never any cooler. Never gets much warmer than about 28C either, and again, for only a few days a year.Anyway, back to the questions:
1) Why would you use a dehumidifier in winter? Doesn't the house heating tend to dry things out anyway?
CO2 is only worth doing if done right. That means tank, regulator, CO2 measurement/control and a sealed room with exhaust blower controlled by the CO2 controller. Spraying soda water on a plant will be of dubious effect.2) For those wanting to add CO2, I read somewhere spraying your plants with plain soda water helps (releases trace amounts of CO2).....any thoughts on that?
Yep, that's pretty much the lot. H2O2, 50% grade @ 1ml/litre is useful in cube soaking and clone watering solutions. Prevents any pathogen growth and kills what's there already.3) I know you wrote it somewhere, but when cloning you don't presently use anything but pH adjusted water and a cloning powder, correct? Can you recommend a good brand? Sorry if that's repetitive.
Some folks like Superthrive; I've used it in the past, but it is incredibly expensive and doesn't have much effect I can discern. The main ingredient is vitamin B, which is known to have some benefits to plants. I haven't used it in years and frankly don't miss it.4) Along those same lines, any thoughts on Superthrive or Vita Grow Anti-Wilt Concentrate? (for us clone-challenged)
Feminised seeds are not a sure thing. You'll get about 80% female at best. All plants raised from beans will have to be grown to sexual maturity before you can even determine sex, much less flower them.Lastly, I'm starting straight from seeds, I have 10, all feminized.....planning on keeping 3 as Moms and going straight to flower with the other 7, do I still have to wait the 6-8 weeks for those 7 to be sexually ready before they can go into flower? Or is sooner OK?.....
Great! Bring me a shrubbery- or I shall say NI to you!Thanks man, this is like the holy grail of threads......
Cooltubes are an air cooling system for HID lights. Simply a 150mm dia Pyrex tube enveloping the HPS tube, with ducted air feed and exhaust. Cooltubes remove air heated by the lamp before it can get to the plants. Cooltubes make it much easier to control the temp & RH of the grow room airmass as the main exhaust blower does not have to remove heat from the lights.By the way, what do cool tubes do? What the name suggests I'm guessing.....
Plants will show preflowers at nodes in 6-8 weeks from seed under veg lighting. Once preflowers are apparent, the plant can be sexed, either by taking a cutting and flowering once rooted or by covering one branch of the plant for 12h/dayI think that mother plants may need three months to fully mature if Im not mistaken![]()
i love you
As you see pictured here, thicker stemmed clones outperform thinner ones. Cuttings on the stack on the left are all 4mm and under, the ones on the right are 5.5mm and up. Of course they were all cut at the same time. Thicker stems make more roots faster, every time. You can make your cuttings as tall as you like; as long as the cutting can get sufficient water uptake through the stem, it will not wilt. No humidome required. If clones wilt, the scalpel wasn't sterile or the media is overwet and the stem tip is being blocked by pathogen activity. Recut the stem with a sterile scalpel, stick it in fresh media that has been dampened with a 1ml H2O2 per 1L water, corrected to pH 5.5-5.8, put it on a 30C heatmat and it will root in 7 days, 10 max. Overwet media will cause rooting probs for most new cloners. Think damp, never wet or saturated. A 40mm rockwool cube weighs 5g dry and 25-30g when damp. Heavier than that is too wet- insufficient air will slow rooting development.
... but the cuttings just sit there and laugh at me for trying... then croak.
5.5mm is a very precise measurement... i'd want some calipers to help take the guesswork out of it... a perfect cutting, every time!
My opinion is that you're not likely to want to hear my opinion.Al b. can you please check this thread and give me a competent opinion
i need some help and a full competent answer form someone who knows could do me good. thank you, toke on..
My opinion is that you're not likely to want to hear my opinion.![]()
You want to do soil, you want organic, you want high production. Want fries with that, too?![]()
There's nothing evil about 'chemical' hydroponic nutes- they're the same elements as from organics when they enter the plant's roots. Soil, however, is a pain in the arse. Heavy, messy, hard to dispose of, poor productivity compared to even flood hydro.
Rethink your grow space. Configure it for SoG, commit almost no space to mothers and clones, use the bulk of it for flowering. Think 50W/sq ft of HPS in flowering. Review this thread for notes on keeping mums and cutting clones.
Yes, it's a long read, but pretty much all you want to know is answered. Don't forget about the GrowFAQ- it is your friend.![]()
Cheaters come last in he classLMAO!!! i send him over here to read and do his homework.....yet instead he asked you to do his reading/homework for him....
*sigh*LMAO!!! i send him over here to read and do his homework.....yet instead he asked you to do his reading/homework for him....
I guess there ARE lazier stoners than me out there!I don't mind discussing general concepts but I'd like to avoid designing other folks' ops from top to bottom or hand-holding them through a grow. It's just too taxing on my limited time. It's why I have PMs disabled. Remember, I'm a slacker and I'm running a very productive op. There's enough info on room construction and general theory of growing cannabis all over this board to get anyone through who can take the time to read the stuff. In terms of troubleshooting, there's folks on here who are much better at diagnosing stuff than I am, too. See potroast, he knows everything (please don't kill me pottie....).