Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

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Proxies are good and bad. If you use one, don't use a free one, pay for the service. Free proxies are often honeypots, designed to surveil and intercept passwords, etc. If you do use a free proxy, use it for browsing but don't run a password (or any other sensitive data) through it, i.e. logging in on RIU. Secure web pages may save your traffic from being surveilled by the proxy but many free proxies don't allow https:// just for the reason that they can't surveil the traffic and thus have no benefit from maintaining the facility. There's no such thing as a free lunch.


so with that said..... a person who has been posting from the jump with no proxy.....would you recommend them to start? or no because they can just pick up where you left off?
LB you better have a big ass high yeilding op to be this paranoid. im jk but relax a little isnt that y u
so with that said..... a person who has been posting from the jump with no proxy.....would you recommend them to start? or no because they can just pick up where you left off?

Well, there are basically 2 types of internet connections - static (stays the same) or dynamic (changes) IP addresses.
You can switch to a 'high anonymity Proxy/IP address - also called Level 1 ELITE proxy, there are many software products out there - like Glock Software 'advanced administrative Tools' - with that software you search within an I.P. range and then analyze or "test' each proxy for the level of anonymity.

When you find anon proxies you can easily (within the program) "plug in" the fresh anon proxy and browse the Internet with that proxy/IP.

The main drawbacks to that software or software like it -
1. Your Internet Service Provider will know you're prowling around for these proxies since they 'die' so quickly you usually want to have 15 or 20 of em handy, and then after they all 'die' search for more fresh proxies. Just because they KNOW doesn't mean they'll make a stink over it - depends on who your ISP is.
2. Sometimes the anon Level 1 Proxy is connected to a PC online that has DIAL-UP - if you're on Broadband or T1 etc - your Internet browsing - they'll take forever to load up - because of the slow bandwidth per second
3. If you don't configure the software to stay away from known honeypot IP's or .gov, .edu. and TENS OF thousands of other IP addresses known to be honeypots ETC- THOSE SITES/IP'S collect YOUR IP Address, YOUR computer name and and can make your life a living hell. There are some sites online that have somewhat updated IP lists that are excluded from being scanned by your PC

You can do specific proxy searches with that software - say, you want to find Level 1 proxies in a certain country - you can do that.
"High Anonymity' proxies Usually will cover your tracks online, and there are websites you can go to and find out if your new IP address is really as high anon as the program says it is.

Some people also like to use different stealth IP's for their outgoing emails, or "SOCKS 5 proxies" - they connect to your mail server - that way whoever is getting an email from you doesn't see YOUR REAL IP address - for whatever reasons you would want to be anonymous.
Do a google search for Proxy Finder, Glock software, Stealth proxies, etc - you'll find lots of software that's pretty easy to configure.

As for the 'jump' I'm not sure if you're talking about YOUR real I.P address before switching to a high anon proxy, or if you mean "Chained IP's" (which is setting several High Elite Level 1 Proxies and chaining them together so you can switch to another chained proxy each time you 'refresh' your browser, and then the next IP in the chain and so on until you're back at the first chained proxy - people will do that if they're really SUPER paranoid (are super paranoid?) - it's much more difficult for your ISP or the ISP of your anon IP's to track you through their server's DNS cache since you're using so many chained IP's - they probably won't want to take the time or effort to go thru all of those chained IP server records.

good luck
Hey Al, you're the man. I'm following up pretty well though. By next year, I may become a guru. LoL. I am going to borrow a friends digi cam, you have to see my wikidness. I need even more space.

hey, keep it up- and you TOO may become a w33d b4R0n. :lol:

I can't imagine what your space looks like and I'm sure you want more.
Well, you could always look at the photos of my op I've posted throughout this thread. :roll:

In actuality, I really DON'T want my op any bigger than it is. It's too much work as it is and makes MORE THAN plenty of dope. I mean, we're talking about 3lb/mo, Willis. :shock:


The Law of Energy Conservation

Energy in is energy out. It can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed.

Yeah, no one explained that to the poor sad morons who sank millions into Carl Tilley's truly fuckheaded garbage that any high-school science student could have debunked.

If it sounds to good to be true- it IS, every SINGLE motherfucking time.

One question: I know Windows sucks ass.. but how much more difficult is it to use Linux?

I've been wanting to build a monster mobile PC with Linux so I can access WLAN connections where they are available and keep my connection hidden.
Winblows does suck (poor security, stability- but XP was a giant leap forward), but Linux won't help you conceal your IP any better than any other OS. Security can be breached by you unknowingly running malware (spyware, keyloggers, Trojans)- on any OS.

There's some GUI front ends around for Linux these days which make it as friendly to use as Winblows, but there's still not the plethora of applications available for Linux/Unix as one can find for Winblows.

Dude the best thing is to go with Mac OSX, I use a mac at my home and you can go private right from the desktop. Everything at the click of a button. Mac OSX is based on Linux, but more user friendly. I have no exp. with Linux. Other than I had a friend who I knew that booted linux and then can chose Windows or OSX. Let me know your choice. Dude you would be surprised how far a little mac mini will go. Go to 10 reasons to buy a Mac. Might change your mind.

Macs are computers for people who don't know how to use a computer- for only twice the price of a Wintel box. Macs/Mac OS are so consumed with doing things for you that flexibility is lost. No thanks. I know the tech end and can make a Wintel box sit up and bark without Steve Jobs' help.

I'm glad you like your Mac- but they are not the be-all-end-all... the sun does NOT shine out of Steve Jobs' ass.

so with that said..... a person who has been posting from the jump with no proxy.....would you recommend them to start? or no because they can just pick up where you left off?

Consider your actual risk.

If the website you are using is being surveilled, with all traffic being recorded by a 3rd party, the observer will have correlated an IP address with your postings. That IP addy alone is fairly well useless aside from telling the observer what ISP you are logged on through. It does not itself divulge your identity nor physical address. Moreover, IP addresses change with many modes of connection. Cable modems often remain at the same IP even if the connection is cycled, but dial-ups and ADSL lines almost always change IP when logging off then on again.

If our observer is LEO and LEO thinks you're a big enough fish to fuck with, LEO can subpoena your ISP, providing the IP address and time of access. Your ISP will have to divulge the accountholder details. For that info to be worth anything in court, LEO then has to prove that one particular person was using that particular connection when the 'illegal' communications occurred. LEO really has to jump through some hoops to make any hay out of your postings on some pisswilly pot forum.

MUCH more likely is LEO attempting to entrap users of forums like this one by encouraging ppl to buy/sell prohibited materials. This means one must engage in direct contact with the buyer/seller outside of the forum. Negotiating a purchase means someone is giving away a physical address. Avoid buying or selling stuff with forum users and use PMs for direct private contacts.

A direct email or instant messenger (MSN, ICQ, etc) connection can divulge IP information that the forum protects you from divulging. Never contact forum users via email or IM.

If you are using Tor or a proxy, if a website is being surveilled, the observer will see communications between the IP of the last link in the Tor chain or the proxy server and the website. The observer won't be able to divine your actual IP.

However, considering how many hoops LEO has to jump through to make any use of an IP address, it's probably over the top in most cases to proxy up. LEO will be much more likely to try to entrap ppl through getting them to buy/sell prohibited materials- and it won't matter how many layers of the onion are covering your technical tracks if you're silly enough to buy/sell illegal materials online.
I don't wanna turn that switch on man....

If you have some good stable DNA, you really do have to fuck it up to get plants to go hermie. Consistency, consistency, consistency.

Your plan is pure genius - hell, it's made for people like me, Al;

Thanks for that. The rotating system is very scaleable. Interesting you've found an alternate purpose for it. :)

I'd like to thank ya for replying - but I do know the risks - but if you don't take a risk you don't benefit, you don't learn anything.

No problem. However, experimentation is all well and good for experienced growers, like yourself. Noobs should find a plan that demonstrably works and copy it to the letter.

If I ever wrote a book about growing dope, it'd be more like a cookbook, with very little discussion of theory and lots of specifics on one particular style of grow. I'd nut it down to 'if you do this, you'll get that, every time' probably on a calendar layout with daily tasks, to maximise the chance of success. My intent would be to take a person from being an inveterate houseplant killer to a successful if not competent dope grower in 14-16 weeks.
If I ever wrote a book about growing dope, it'd be more like a cookbook, with very little discussion of theory and lots of specifics on one particular style of grow. I'd nut it down to 'if you do this, you'll get that, every time' probably on a calendar layout with daily tasks, to maximise the chance of success. My intent would be to take a person from being an inveterate houseplant killer to a successful if not competent dope grower in 14-16 weeks.

Do it.

I'd buy one.

I'd buy four, give two away.

If you feel like it though.. that would be a good way to get some campaign moolah!!!!

President Fuct!




dcg, you simply don't need the flood if you have the aero (and vice-versa). I don't know what possessed these folks to do this.

I would not relish doing the cleaning and periodic maintenance on this system.

Beware anyone who tells you that they have the next big thing or any 'new revolutions.' There's nothing new in this system other than they have combined one of the simplest systems with one of the most complex and failure prone- maybe that was the point, so the flood can take over if the aero clogs... :lol:

edit: aha.

The Nutramist system utilizes a solid-state, ultrasonic device to create a "dry fog" with a droplet size of less than 5 microns!

They are using a piezoelectric fogger to generate the aero mist. I've had a play with these before. Piezo foggers have a habit of collecting nute salts on their diaphragms, which eventually causes the fogger to fail. I never got a piezo fogger to last more than about 8-10 weeks before they quit.
not too many ppl on RIU talk about SWC.... im sure you have heard about it al, any insights on those designs? pros and cons.....

im not going to be building one myself, but i just like to pick your brain from time to time...... lol

for those that dont know SWC(shallow water culture) is like a hybrid of NFT and DWC.

SWC is a good method for high root oxygenation but is still dependent upon a water or air pump, depending on how you set it up. Lots of SWC ops out there doing very well. If you have reliable AC power and use redundant air pumps/stones, it can be a good way to go.

However, it's a bit complex for new growers and may not suit SoG so well. One would be tempted to set up a large tank to support a number of plants in a common reservoir, but roots will have the abilty to knit, making plant portability impossible. Separate buckets for each plant would be very complex and a pain to maintain.
Hey Al, I'm curious about your curing time. I know your dryer has buds ready to smoke in 3-4 days, but how long do you typically cure for? Or do you get rid of them as soon as you can and leave that to someone else? Thanks!
Its a nice set up man, I dont mean to hate I was actually thinking of doing something along the same line as that, but instead do two boxes one for each month that way i dont have to take clippings every two weeks and it will be twice as less work plus i can let my clones grow for a month which means twice as much yield. instead of getting a small crop every 2 weeks and do a lot of extra work, cut back on the work and get a bigger crop every month. Just my opinion.
instead do two boxes one for each month that way i dont have to take clippings every two weeks and it will be twice as less work plus i can let my clones grow for a month which means twice as much yield. instead of getting a small crop every 2 weeks and do a lot of extra work, cut back on the work and get a bigger crop every month. Just my opinion.

If I understand you, you want to use just 2 trays, 4 weeks in each tray, giving you 4 weeks to get your clones in order.

Where this falls down is that clones will be ready to go in to pots of media about 14 days from cutting. They don't do well just sitting under fluoros in their cubes. They tend to get a bit rootbound and sickly when kept too long in the clonebox. This alone will hurt your yield. Clones should go into media very soon after they have a good spray of roots for best performance.

If you do pot them up in media and stick them under a veg cycle HID for the 2 weeks of slack time post the clones forming a good spray of roots, they'll be excessively tall by the time they finish flowering, defeating some of the main advantages of SoG.

This is a recurring theme- many people seem to think that it's absolutely necessary to veg clones before flowering or that it will improve the yield in a SoG op like mine. Vegging clones won't increase the yield- but it will degrade the average bud quality (size & density) because plants will finish too tall. Most folks discount the fact that cannabis plants don't switch from veg to flower mode overnight- it takes about 4 weeks in 12/12 for a clone which has always been under veg cycle lighting to fully switch from gaining vertical height to making bud mass. We rely in this remaining veg growth to bring 9" clones to 33-36" by wk 4, which is the approximate height they will be in wk 8. This perfectly suits the light pattern from a 1000HPS. If the plants are taller by the finish, the buds low on the stem will develop poorly compared to those higher up. Vegging after rooting will make them finish around 6-8" taller per week of veg.

SoG is designed to keep plants short to take best advantage of the greatest luminous intensity light pattern from the lamp, mainly within about 1.2-1.5m from a 1000. This depends upon flowering shortly after the clones have developed enough rootmass to cope with HPS lighting. So it happens, clones in RW cubes will strike in about 7-10 days and will have profuse roots in 14 days.

Your yield won't double nor your work halve, I'm afraid. Your total yield weight will in fact be pretty similar and your manicuring work will become a lot more urgent. You'll have tall plants but with a lot of wispy lower buds, because the plant is taller than the light penetration depth. Tops will be solid, lowers will be popcorn.

You will get more plants ready to come out at one time, but that means you have to clear one tray to put in more clones. That means you then have half of the plants in the op, ready to be manicured- RIGHT NOW. I hope you have space in your op, where you have circulation and ventilation, to store the plants waiting on harvesting. Plants ready for harvest are very susceptible to mould. If you have to keep them outside your grow room, they may go to mould rather quickly, even while you are manicuring the others. I chose the 2 week rotation mainly to break up the manicuring task into smaller bits. My first crops had all 4 trays coming ready at once- what a disaster. Lost plenty of plants to mould while they were waiting to be manicured.

Thanks for giving it a think, but the 2 week sked will yield better avg bud size and density as well as be more manageable come harvest time.
Thanks for all this info Al, it has given me a direction to go in. I will be trying to get two different areas set up for this, one with 6-8 plants and the other 12-18 plants. I have a veg box here is a link:

Now I have to set up the flower box and I have a couple of Q's if you would be so kind as to point me in the right direction with it, I would be MUCHO grateful to you. My goal is to get between 2-4 oz's per plant, is this a good bar to set? (I understand it depends on plenty of variables, so let's just say that they are not IDEAL but in pretty close). With this in mind I plan to have them in the veg box until ready for flower. I plan to have one area with 6-10 plants in this cycle and the other will have 12-20. I will be growing in soil at first and may go hydro with 2nd set up, not sure yet but I already have what is needed for the soil set up now so that's how the 1st one will go for sure.

I would like to have the area with 6-10 contained in a 3X3 tent with a 400w HPS, is this possible (at least through a harvest or two)? That is, can I get all four of these 'two week cycles' in the one tent with the one bulb? If so, I am assuming that it would be a good idea to rotate the plants so none of them are getting too much or too little of the one bulb, right? With this set up would it be a good idea to start training the lower branches to grow up making it like an orange tree rather than a x-mas tree so to speak. It looks like you are only growing a main cola, I understand you are trying to get the plant to concentrate it's energy into that area but couldn't I get a larger harvest by training the lower branches like I mention above, hight is not really a major concern for me, well up to 6' as this is the size of the tent.

With the 2nd set up I want to basically have 2-3x the plants but ideally I'd say 18 is the magic number. For me to be able to do it under one tent, how much space would be the min needed for having 4 stations of 18 plants? I intend to use 1000w hps on this one could I 'get away' with using one at first then adding 1 per 'station' after the first couple of harvests?

On both of these set ups, if this is just not enough space could I get 2 stations in one and have two set up like that, so I would have 1 box for mom's and clones, then two boxes/tents for flowering.

WOW I guess I this turned into a few more Q's than I though it was, sorry. I also attached two photos to give you a visual on the veg box I have.


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I actually plan on moving the clones to bigger pots once they are about 10 days old then after 20 more days move them into flowering this way my roots are stronger and i dont have to cut any of the leaves off. They should not be to tall by then either. I have not tried either of the set ups yet and it will probably be awhile before i get around to it, but i have done a lot of research and looked at lot of diff peoples grows. What size pots do you use during flowering? I was going to use 1'x1'. I was also planning on using 2 400 watt lights for each flowering box, to give my crop a better spread of light.
ok nevermind to that last question i just red it. i was also planning on using the hydro flood system seems to be a nice set up
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