Get Me To Fifty Post Tonight

Ellis Dee

Active Member
So, for the purposes of this discussion I want describe my views of the magic.

Shamans use things, activities, ideas, in order to change their mind-state. These alterations of mind can be distinctly known as a change in the world of oneself. Because what we know is only us, so changing us changes our view. I am not proposing upward causation, from the mind to the world, but rather an appeal to naive-idealism, the mind in the world. We can't live forever, but we can make now pretty good for us.

This act of knowing ourselves, where we end and begin, is the first steps toward the shaman.

The shaman may employ other tactics to know themselves. Rather than changing themselves they alter the world. Pick pieces and blocks and paste them all together. This is alchemy.

Alchemy is known as both a practical predecessor to modern chemistry and a metaphor for spiritual work. We can see both of these tactics(practice and metaphor) in the shamans works. Obviously chemistry is a response to the desire for change, and spiritual work is that desires playing out. He knows the world, and he knows himself. He uses the world to change himself, and integral to using the world to change himself comes another change to his view of the world.

This loop of logic is a cornerstone of our practices.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Realize that MaGIC is a part of science ... YOU are not supposed to understand YET.
It is hidden .... but there.

As it seems YOU are not clear on the distinction between a shaman ..... a medicine man ....
One who leads and stands guard .... shaman ...
And someone who is focused on the development of the Philosophers stone .... an alchemist.
Immortality is of their concern.


Ellis Dee

Active Member
No one interested. Fine I'll keep'er going.

So recently here in Canada we had an election. To my dismay, the right-wing party got a majority government. To my appeal, the left-wing party obtained about 200% more seats than they usually do securing them as the official opposition. Then centrist party(Liberal's) were nearly thrown out of parliament with less seats then ever in history. And the separatist party(Bloc Quebecqois?) got four seats(usually end up with ~20). Where things failed to complete my desire of a left-wing government is the people who would have voted separatist all went left. The people who would have voted centrist(Liberal Party) split and went left and right securing a right-wing majority.

Now the right-wing after 8 years as a minority with a majority of the seats in the senate, now have a stacked parliament in both the house of commons and the senate. They have been trying to sell trade rights to water from the great lakes, they don't support global environmental goals, they have been incessantly pushing for mandatory minimums for drugs, and building huge high security prisons. Countless other things these fundamentalists plan to do, including selling of the crown corporations.

I am in a sad way for my country. I don't know how you guys handle down south of the border. I feel castigated, but haven't even really done anything. Never had a police encounter, never been violent, never directly disrespectful or arrogant; but now my freedom and liberty is on the edge of oblivion every second of everyday.

Ellis Dee

Active Member
I think I drew the connection pretty closely. One who is a shaman works closely with introversion, plants,crude extracts and concoctions, a significant spiritual character is involved. The alchemy grows out of this through a desire to change the mind-state. This desire is the spiritual character from the shamans work.

EDIT: How is medicine not a desire to find immortality? As temporal as that immortality may be.

The alchemists immortality, or base metal into gold is an allegory for enlightenment to some.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Hey brother ... U from Canada !!!


That is just great !
Now I like you even more !


The shaman is nothing but a bridge bwn one world and another.
He does not make .... as everything is revealed to him ....

Alchemy ... although ... in the elixir sense .... might be related to healing .... but it such context it
signifies ..... a guest for potion of immortality ! Huge difference.

Ellis Dee

Active Member
Yeah. Born and raised.

Well if I knew it was this easy to get an internet personalities affection I would have joined up a long time ago.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
That is great .... hopefully you are closer to the middle than the edges of the map !
Welcome to the Norther Alliance !


(Please be careful ... some might confuse your vocab .... as intentional pretentiousness) EH !!


Ellis Dee

Active Member
Your splitting hairs. The content is the same. They use what they have access to in order to ease suffering(lets be blunt).

Alchemy wasn't in any serious sense anything but a wild goose chase, even more significant how would you ever know if you found the right goose. However its desire comes from the same central tenet: To help.

I am sure some people get into certain lines of work for fame or notoriety. Many are drawn to this work though, maybe like you. This pull is the same for both practitioners.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I certainly could be splitting hair ...
Perhaps I could also be aware of more angles !


Glance my sig ... and speak my language.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Crypt ... You know that Kyles mother is Jewish ... right ?
So that clip you posted must be 'propaganda' in theme !
