Get Me To Fifty Post Tonight

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Okay. So now my goal is the post count 100. I think I am around ninety. But no one seems to be around.

I have some beer, some weed, and some 1mg dilaudid. A little bird told me the effects are 1/3 stronger insufflated over oral. Wikipedia suggests ~30%:~50%; oral:nasal.

Maybe I'll see some of you in dreamland tonight.:fire:
You're at 78.


Well-Known Member
Hey ellis, were you ever part of

I remember someone on there with that same username. Of course it's probably common.

Ellis Dee

Active Member
Nah, first forum ever. I mean I have signed up to them before to ask simple questions, never with the intention to become knit into the fabric of a community.

This is the most 'homely' place I have ever come across.

Ellis Dee

Active Member
Basically I failed the other night. Did not get to 100.

It was a much more daunting task than I had imagined.

Maybe over the course of today though. :):)

Ellis Dee

Active Member
I have been relegating myself to PM's recently which is probably why it seems like alot more work than it is.

Ellis Dee

Active Member
They had catwalks, they had fast-talks. God Damn!! They even had a hat-box!

I left that place though. Now I just have cakewalks.

But cakes are arguably of equal or grater value than a kitten, so I am happy. :)

Ellis Dee

Active Member
Nah, see your mixing perfections. A kitten has too much FUR!! You must pluck the kitten, then it wouldn't be much of a kitten; would it?


Ellis Dee

Active Member
Probably my best line yet. I just set up a vaccuum filtration on a naptha wash of cannabis I have had sitting for about a month. Nice and aged. Little to no oxidation. Dark thick oily stuff.

Ellis Dee

Active Member
Nah, Ronsonol.

I am going to tryout some 'recochem camping fuel' soon, from home depot. I have read its nearly pure hexanes.

My brother got some Coleman's Whitegas campfuel but I returned it because I didn't want to take chances.

Home depot has got it all, eh Puff. ;)


Well-Known Member
oOOOO im very jealous i actually want to make some honey oil with my leftover tirmmings but dont know if i have enough. Also how does naptha compare to butane?