Get seeds right here reviews?

are u legit?
LOL,Yes I am.
I only ordered from them once,a few years ago for some Ethos seeds.The order went smoothly,but after reading these reviews,I will consider myself lucky and not risk it with them again.I have ordered from several seed banks over the years,and the only time I have been ripped off was from my first order,which was a place called Amsterdam Marijuana seeds.
LOL,Yes I am.
I only ordered from them once,a few years ago for some Ethos seeds.The order went smoothly,but after reading these reviews,I will consider myself lucky and not risk it with them again.I have ordered from several seed banks over the years,and the only time I have been ripped off was from my first order,which was a place called Amsterdam Marijuana seeds.
you do realize you responded to a comment from over 3 years ago froma user who never logged back in
you do realize you responded to a comment from over 3 years ago froma user who never logged back in
Looks like he follows up about as fast as get seeds right here customer service department.i wonder what happened to ol' Randy, miss that handsome bastard