Getawaymountain outdoor crop 2013

001.jpg002.jpg003.jpg004.jpg005.jpg006.jpg007.jpgwell the plants are leaning right into the sun with their arms straight up in 100 degree plus heat !! we gave them a 5 gallon bucket of seaweed juice and water yesterday before the heat went over 100 again and they are saying thanks to the ganga gods lol... i'm not worried any more about heat now they are ready for it and it shows .
009.jpg010.jpg011.jpg012.jpgspot # 2 is looking better now and we got the fence up so the hard work is done for a bit but we will be ready with sissors in hand lol...
What do you think you will be pulling per plant compared to your previous grows? How are they shaping up?
well thats a good question , iv'e been looking back thru files and they are doing better here with all the sun they get so hard to say i do know that next season they will be in 4ft x 4ft x 2 ft deep raised beds and be in them by march not like these that got started in early june and in maine it rains so much in june ya can't feed them hardly nothing due to they never really get dried out .they are shaping up great for the age of them at least the spots are already done except build raised boxes custom fit to the ground and hillside .can't wait lol....
I was going to suggest getting them out earlier next season but who am I to suggest to you how to grow!? LOL I bet after seeing Nuggs setup you are sold on the idea of the raised beds. :) Still down to help out if the distance isn't too far.
I was going to suggest getting them out earlier next season but who am I to suggest to you how to grow!? LOL I bet after seeing Nuggs setup you are sold on the idea of the raised beds. :) Still down to help out if the distance isn't too far.

we didn't get out here in time this year but the next crop will be in by march with no problem iv'e always grown in cont ( like raised beds ) in maine and like it . ya got the veggie time to grow really big plants with alittle planning .nuggs definetly got my attention on raised beds lol.......he's a great grower that really takes care of his plants .
Glad to see your garden doing well bruddah. This heat is hellish hot! 111 today!!
I never thought NorCal was this hot!
Glad to see your garden doing well bruddah. This heat is hellish hot! 111 today!!
I never thought NorCal was this hot!

thanks og i was wondering for awhile with the heat wave we had right at the begining !! they are all doing great now under the circumstances it was 105 here yesterday norcal gets really hot but they will take it if its a hearty strain lol..... i had a few strains that i won't be doing again here if they don't take it when they are small then i'm not taking the chance with them
004.jpg006.jpg009.jpg013.jpg014.jpgthe plants are growing at a good pace ,they sure love all the sun they are getting now . 005.jpgthis is the first female " pummell ya" from the last round of backup plants to be sure we got all sizes and holes filled lol...
Any idea how much soil you've used so far?
haha ya i know lol.. 96 holes with 4'0 cu ft dirt each one so out of 200 bails of dirt i got 2 left and momma dug a few more holes so (about 40 gallons dirt each plant +/- ) enough for being started late next season is going to be a tractor trailer load at least going with raised beds
My back hurts just thinking about all that shoveling.[/QUOTE

haha i know it also lol.. anyone that gets to try fumbles edible products won't be disapointed at all , excellance that i would give a 5 star rating some of the best iv'e had so far slept like a rock
Im considering renting an auger for next year. I read about it on Julians massive grow thread, You could do all of your holes in one day and come back and finsih with a shovel the next!
Im considering renting an auger for next year. I read about it on Julians massive grow thread, You could do all of your holes in one day and come back and finsih with a shovel the next!

ya it would be nice except the holes are dug and i will be using them for years to come so i'm good with it