Gets Curly at Night


Well-Known Member
so I don't know whats going on with this plant, but... I have 5 plants in bloom right now. 4 are doing great. One of them worries me every once in a while. Durring the daytime, it will look just fine. However, every night, the leaves start to curl downward and the stems of the leaves start twisting around like a corkscrew. I am using floranova products and am confident I am not over or under feeding... I have 4 other plants that have been on the same feeding program and they show no sign of this. However, they are of a different strain.

Some more details if anyone cares: The plant is a few days into bloom. The plant is growing in 60/40 coco and hydroton. I feed every other day. The plant in question is getting (per gallon of water) 2.5 ml floranova grow, 2.5 ml floranova bloom, 1 ml floricious +, 1 ml koolbloom, and 5 ml of CaMg+ (added because of the reputation of my growing medium). I also add 1-2 ml of ph up to get a ph of 5.8-5.9. It is growing under a 600w hps lamp... 2 -3 feet away from the bulb. There is a heater in my grow room to maintain near constant temps around 70 - 75F. The leaves themselves show no sign of a defficiancy or toxicity as far as color or dead patches (other than slight nute burn on the margins). Again, in the daytime (midday) the plant looks normal. At night it worries me. Take a look... if anyone knows anything, speak up :-)



Well-Known Member
I don't know much about growing in hydro, OR the strain, but many strains are sensitive to Nitrogen in the beginning of flower. And every other day sounds like a bit much, but as I said...dunno about hydro...

What are the temps in your room?

Also, the thing you need to remember is this, different strains like different things. For this one strain, your temps at night may be to cold. And just cause your other 3 plants of a different strain like the nute combo your using, doesn't mean this one will. Some strains like different combos at different points in their life cycles. I would lay off the veg nute, or at least 1/2 them. And keep an eye on your temps, if it's getting cold at night, then it may be that strain just being sensitive to the cold.

Again, as I know little of hydro, I can't be certain what the problem is, but temps and too much N are my guesses, especially since you just entered flower recently.

Good luck on your grow man!!


Well-Known Member
thanks dajosh. Temps are 70-75... maybe slightly warmer durring the day. Growing in coco and hydroton you can water as much as once or twice a day or as little as twice a week. Doesn't too much N make the leaves look dark dark green and thick? These leaves are not. I also thought a plant requires N when it first enters bloom... as a lot of the plant is still devoted to leaf production in the first week or so of flowering. This plant is only a few days into blooming... other than preflowers, its still trying to make leaves (for the next few days/week or so). When the plant was vegging, and taking in floranova grow (heavy in N) it had the same problem. the maximum amount of floranova grow/gallon of water is suggested at 8 ml... I maxed out at 4 ml. I do understand that different strains have different requirements. I have 5 plants... 3 different strains. I've been able to tweek my nutrient solution for each plant to get them looking good. Its just this one that I can't figure out.

Also... 2 years ago, my first grow, I was growing this same strain of plant in dirt and osmocote with tap water... same problem. This will be my third time growing this strain. This has happened everytime with this plant. The good thing is it doesn't seem to affect yield.

could curling and drooping at night be a characteristic trait?


Well-Known Member
and because I'm so proud of them... and to prove a bit that I generally know what I'm doing... Here are a couple of my larger plants that I am having no problems with. They are both over 4 ft... one of them is a month into bloom... the other is a week. the plant I'm having problems with is the much smaller plant on the bottom left of the first pic.



Well-Known Member
Sounds very plausible, and you certainly seem to know your stuff....but, is that the only leaf that does it? o_O In the pics, I only see 1 leaf bent at almost a right angle!


Well-Known Member
the first set of 3 pictures is of the plant I am having problems with. The second set of 2 pics is of the plants I am NOT having problems with. I accidentally broke that right angled bent leaf the other day.


Well-Known Member
OH dude...I think she's just asleep...They droop @ night and perk up in light...perhaps this strain just does it more...;-) That's my guess!

You should still talk to someone in the hydroponic section I think...they'll ask you a lot of questions about it, and you find out if your doing everything right! Great luck to you brother!


Well-Known Member
you smoke marijuana? I'll have to report you. jk. I figured you were high. I was out of weed all day... but about an hour ago I found a surprise resin ball... it'll work. thanks for your responses.


Well-Known Member
i have something similar going in soil
leaves do all kind of interesting things, from going limp to perky
also get the twisting leaf stems, some leaves will actually do a 180 and have their undersides towards the light
otherwise seems healthy, some plants seem to have their quirks


Well-Known Member
if anyone cares, I think I figured this out. long story short... I put some CaMg in a spray bottle with some water and sprayed the leaves. Looks 100% better now... day and night.