getting 2 big


Active Member
hi guys did 3 week veg on these .they are meant to be a cross between ak47+chronic .not from seed but cuttings are from the seed. started them on 6th of this month at 2ft they are now just over 5ft having to bend and tie them . any other ways to sort this i am running of hight . cheers



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
if you can't bend them anymore then hang a fan just below yourlight to blow the heat away from the topsofthe plants. this will help elimenate the heat stress on the cola buds. just keep bending your plants litle more every daywithout breaking them.. good luck

Mr Bomb

Active Member
They should be very close to as tall as they are going to get if they were started at 2 feet.

Illegal Smile

You never know. I veg for 5 weeks and have never seen a plant more than double in flower. Until now. I have two LSD growing that are pushing 5 ft in week 5 of flower and getting into the lights. LSD is not supposed to get this tall.