Getting a free LED light.. anyone experienced in LED grow? is this a decent one?


Well-Known Member
They suck. Do a search for "HPS Marijuana sucks" and "LED Marijuana sucks" on google.

Sell the stupid light and buy a T5-HO for veg and a HPS for flower =)

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
LED lights dont all suck
That one however does
$40 ? you better spend at least $500 to expect to see any bud


Well-Known Member
You don't necessarily have to spend $500 either, I just got a very very capable 150 watt LED with 2w diodes for $389. But yes, you do have to spend more than $40, that light will work for seedings <10 days after sprouting. And they claim it has a 6ftx6ft coverage area? Please. Use google and do your research, if you're buying it based on price and not on reviews from other people who've used it you're just wasting your time, money and other valuable resources someone else on this planet could use.


Well-Known Member
Its trash at best for that LED. Use it as a light bulb in your house if you want. I am running 325W (actual draw) of led and that is about 750 bucks, I haven't found a cheaper source for that yet. I combine mine with my HPS as I am looking for a good way to a) low power way to supplement my lights coverage b) add some UV in there as most HPS bulbs suck at UV output, especially through the protective glass and c) They are easy to move, last a long time and give off about a 1-2 degree increase in heat for the room.

They are good, you just need to do some research first. What you have is the result of someone believing an ebay post from a teenager in bejing. It wont hurt using it as a flowering supplement, but it may not help much either. If I am not mistaken I think those are 14W models. which probably only draw 8W of electricity. It is all probably 660 nm spectrum, so there is a little PAR on the table, but nothing powerful.


Well-Known Member
yah thats trash bro..... and if you want a proper grow you can get it for 255 for a 240w blackstar...... i ordered 2 they will be here monday.


Well-Known Member
why do you think its free?:dunce:
its free becuase my friend is giving it to me. Yeah I already have 7 CFLs going and its budding great.. thought I'd at least try this since its being given to me. like one dude said.. can't hurt.. but probably won't help. lol!

I'd totally grow with HPS's but Space and a bad set up limits me to what I can use.. you better believe i got an actual box in the work and will be using Hps' from now on.. but heck.. this is my first grow.. all about trial and error.