Getting bigger is better , bigger buds = bigger blunts!

Here is an earlier post I did but its not gettin enough attention, Are there any tricks to maximise the quantity of buds?

First let me say that I been on a glorious wake an bake this morning and I AM STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN RIGHT NOW :blsmoke: I'v done my 1st growing experience this year of sum bag seed (could be Kush, or Sour Diesel ) I always buy O's of both and decided to grow it this year, i started with 2 and foolishly did not drill holes in the buckets for drainage 1 sweet lady drowned :cry: and the other survived but like all women shes takin forever to be ready , they were started in April indoors at an undisclosed location and transfered outside mid-early May, its Sept now and I live in Upstate NY its starting to get colder and she should be finished by now ( in my noob opinion) but is in the flowering stage ( I think) heres a pic of what the top looks like (not actual but almost identical) How much more time does she need ? How can i get her to explode with buds? what should i do about the changing climate? any ways to get this bitch to finish sooner? Any advice is greatly appreciated those who do I will burn a phat Marley Spliff in you honor :joint: Help a brotha out!

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
When is your first frost suppose to be? Are you using nutrients? Do you know how long shes been flowering? She is prob the right size for where she is at, its my first time growing and my buds seem small too, but there suppose to get bigger at the end of september.

iluv r3dtub3

New Member
it looks small but in the next 3 weeks they will exsplode you will be harvesting beginning or october those buds will just blow up watch out they will get huge and start to smell dank!!!
I'm not using nutes, should I?? i'm not sure if its budding yet i just want to maximise the quantity if its possibe or is it just a crap shoot?

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Dude are you kidding me you dont know if its budding? Look at it man! You took a picture of a bud that is starting to form. Look at all the white hairs, those are what form the bud. And yes I would be using something for nutrients. If you can get bat guano man, do it. Works great. And make sure the bat guano is high phosphorus bat guano. Start off with a low dose though, and work your way up. Also use molasses, and make sure its blackstrap unsulphure molasses. Use every second watering along with bat guano. And use 1tablespoon of molasses per gallon of water.
true, im new 2 this thing, would chicken shit work?
No you're to late into budding for using chicken shit because it would release to slowly, plus imnot too sure how benificial it is but i guarantee bat guano is 100 times better, it rocks, but the only way you can use it is by adding some to your water.

if you can get your hands on some high phoshorous guano then buy it and do atlittle more research on here about guano teas, if u cant get some bat guano then go to your local hydro store or if u dont have one go to a homehardware or something and get some liquid fertilizer thats high in phosphorous and mix that in with ur watering schedule, u can get simple miracle grow but thats all chemicals, i would recommend getting something allitle more natural if u can.

definately buy something i mentioned above to feed your plant so it can grow big buds


Dude are you kidding me you dont know if its budding? Look at it man! You took a picture of a bud that is starting to form. Look at all the white hairs, those are what form the bud. And yes I would be using something for nutrients. If you can get bat guano man, do it. Works great. And make sure the bat guano is high phosphorus bat guano. Start off with a low dose though, and work your way up. Also use molasses, and make sure its blackstrap unsulphure molasses. Use every second watering along with bat guano. And use 1tablespoon of molasses per gallon of water.

I lol'ed :blsmoke: