getting crowded! BUDS EVERYWHERE!


Active Member
hey everyone! hope everyone from the pacific northwest got to enjoy hempfest in seattle this last weekend!:leaf: anyways just wanted to do an update on my greenhouse girls. they are getting huge and crowded! some of my afghan kush are 6ft tall now and still in veg for another 2 weeks id say. my purple kush on the other hand are 4-5ft tall and in week 2 of flower:-P so check em out! also i thought id show you guys my clone box in my garage. im about to make it alot bigger cause most of my clones and all my seedlings are rootbound in the cups and need to be transplanted.
heres a list of the strains i got in the clone box.
5 jack the ripper
2 elephant
4 purple kush
4 afghan kush
8 seedings of a strain im developing that has no name.
so yea here are all the pics. sorry they arent in order! happy smokin everyone :bigjoint:



Active Member
also is it bad that my afghan arent going to be flowering for another 2 weeks??? cause that means a november harvest!!!??? wtf??


Well-Known Member
Good job Medi it looks Great.!!. Man, I would love to pull up a chair and smoke a joint while gazing into that beautiful field of sexii'ness.. .


Active Member
why do you say 2 weeks? is that a guess, or are you forcing them?
Thats jus my guess, jus from looking at them I can see they still have a little veg left in em. So yea im thinkin 1 1/2 - 2 weeks, which kinda worries me about a way late n cold harvest


Well-Known Member
I am a new grower with no past season histories, but the "Afgooy" clone I was given is far behind the other strains. Super Silver Haze and Northern Lights have started to flower, but expect I will need to move several strains indoors to finish flowering. The Afgooy will also be the smallest yield (when you adjust for my horse eating significant parts of the White Rhino and Albert Walker that could have been monsters but are now survivors).


Active Member
Well check this out. Its afghan kush so its indica dominit but its growing like a sativa! Kinda strange. Most of my afghans as u can see in the pics are gonna out grow my greenhouse! ;)