Getting Dr. Recommendation in the Morning, Please help!


Active Member
I live in California and I am getting my Dr. recommendation in the morning. I want to ask for higher limits that the 6 mature / 12 immature default. Does anyone have experience with this? I really have no idea what to say or what reasons to give. Anyone have any ideas? Anything I should bring in to support my reasons? It's coming down to the wire and I do not want to F this up, so any help is very much appreciated and will earn you rep!


Well-Known Member
tell them smoking it just dont do it for you, that you need to make edibles thay are stronger and dont mess with your lungs so edibles is one of the only ways to get a higher plant count


Active Member
thanks, rep left! Is there any kind of documentation I might want to bring to back this up?

Does anyone else have any ideas about getting higher limits?


Well-Known Member
nice double thread. I'll throw mine in here too though.

I don't have room indoors and can't afford lights. My one outdoor grow has to last me the year. edit: I also have no yard at my house so I have to do potted plants, which means I can't make fat trees like fdd (but maybe I can do trees like 5150s pots! shhhh)


Well-Known Member
5150 has a grow journal in outdoor. I'll try to link you up to the most recent pic of his two potted trees.


Well-Known Member
depends on why ur saying u need a recommendation but in ca a supieror court ruled that sb 420 is unconstitional saying they cannot limit how many plants we grow i have grown more plants than 6 and 12 for 4 years straight never had a problem never tell anyone
tell them you have patients who you are growing for and find patients and write up a document with their agreement of you as their caregiver...