Getting Equipment for a Grow Rooms and Suggestions

well look forward to it seems like u got good results what was total weigh in dry

Thanks, it turned out better then I could have asked for
I knew someone was going to ask me how much total weigh dry. I don't have any scales...........I know, I know........ spend hundreds of dollars on equipment and don't buy a $5 letter scale. I'll see about getting one. :)
I already smoked up the Blueberry Gum. It was real good, just small. I put her in flower about 3 weeks early. She was a strong growing plant and had I vegged her a little longer, she would have been a monster.
The LSD filled 2 large mason jars.
2 of the White Widows(WW) filled 2 large mason jars each.
The other WW filled 1 large mason jar plus a little in a 2nd jar. (I picked some off of her early........... bad Dan, bad Dan)

Looks like I got enough to last though the next grow..........Hopefully :)
well idk the more u have the more u smoke
get a digital scale then u can weigh how much u smoke a day lol

Thanks, it turned out better then I could have asked for
I knew someone was going to ask me how much total weigh dry. I don't have any scales...........I know, I know........ spend hundreds of dollars on equipment and don't buy a $5 letter scale. I'll see about getting one. :)
I already smoked up the Blueberry Gum. It was real good, just small. I put her in flower about 3 weeks early. She was a strong growing plant and had I vegged her a little longer, she would have been a monster.
The LSD filled 2 large mason jars.
2 of the White Widows(WW) filled 2 large mason jars each.
The other WW filled 1 large mason jar plus a little in a 2nd jar. (I picked some off of her early........... bad Dan, bad Dan)

Looks like I got enough to last though the next grow..........Hopefully :)
well idk the more u have the more u smoke
get a digital scale then u can weigh how much u smoke a day lol

That's the truth! :) I can really make it last when I get low..........sharing with everybody when there's plenty.
Do I want to know how much I smoke a day? lol