Getting fresh water to center mass

Ya I mean, it all just seems unnecessary. I run a rdwc waterfall setup and when I chop the girls the roots look great all around and in the center. Proof is in the pudding and it works for me. Simple inline pump from a res, manifolds to each bucket then returns via 3" bulkheads all back to res. Really cant get any easier than that. No root issues, no bacteria, no problems for 5 grows now.
This root mass has all the flow it needs, I’m a hydro noob but I just can’t see the benefit, there’s no air stones, I added one back for few days, no difference, out again. RIP 6” basket..
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I told you from the get-go, lose them air stones! Your root balls getting huge dude. You even flipped those to flower? Looks Iike your build is pumping out results for you!
I told you from the get-go, lose them air stones! Your root balls getting huge dude. You even flipped those to flower? Looks Iike your build is pumping out results for you!
Thanks man, fingers crossed, yeah I’m day 15 on the flip, I’m still fucking with nutes but I’m going to have to play to find my spot, close now, they are doing good. I don’t need the possible risk of any bio film from airstones, there’s enough to deal with already, I did listen lol. It’s working great, few tweaks next time.
Op: if youre really interested in increasing DO in hydro look into airlift method and vortexing. Not saying ive figured out how but airrlfiited and vortexed water has the highest DO levels measured. And if you want to go down a rabbithole check out structured water and magnetic vortexing.
Also i dont know if your actually solving a problem with this setup: where is the data saying DO in the middle is lower? Oxygen is dissolved in the water and this tends to equalise in all of the solution. The way you conceptualise this is similar to what happens in a dense cannopy where you need to bring in some air to reneww the micro climate around buds and leaves. But thats air dynamics. The assumption that this is the same in water could be right but also very well be wrong, the nature of water is to equalise the conentration of solutes and vapors inside, barring other influences (gravity on larger molecules and higher o2 near to the surface).

You may very well be right though im not sure about these things but id probably put my effort in other things if i wanted more DO.

A perlite PPK (passive plant killer) is a way to go around the whole problem of DO by making the the plant breath O2 from the air and if you still want pure hydro i think airlift method is more worthy tohave a look at.
In the same time its never a bad idea trying evennif its on a small scale. Rather than do the whole system like this do one part of it, that way you could see if theres a real difference rather than just if it works great but with no comparison.