Getting good at growing males?


New Member
I admit to over watering and temp getting to high I thought I had corrected that I have 2 different thermometers to make sure I'm not getting misreading I have redirect the exhaust fans the box is a cabinet the is heavily concealed and has no light leak
Im using the best organic soil I can afford I'm just using a low watt cfl Like I said I am able to grow in the environment I created I just can't seem to get a female So I am out of the bag seeds I have 2 plants left that haven really shown any signs yet but I just know they will be male so gonna start over after I decide what to order. Do I go fem or autoflower ?


Well-Known Member
I admit to over watering and temp getting to high I thought I had corrected that I have 2 different thermometers to make sure I'm not getting misreading I have redirect the exhaust fans the box is a cabinet the is heavily concealed and has no light leak
Im using the best organic soil I can afford I'm just using a low watt cfl Like I said I am able to grow in the environment I created I just can't seem to get a female So I am out of the bag seeds I have 2 plants left that haven really shown any signs yet but I just know they will be male so gonna start over after I decide what to order. Do I go fem or autoflower ?
Thats up to you but it depends on your space small space auto flower if u got room get a photo


Active Member
OP: Buy decent seeds, bagseed can be good, but usually is pretty average and unpredictable... Seeds from the same bud containing wildly varying phenotypes, I had a 15 week sativa and an 8 week indica from the same bud, caused chaos in my grow room that sativa :(


Well-Known Member
fair enough... i was wrong.... but the whole idea of feminised seeds implies some level of predetermination as a cause for interference... otherwise it would always be a lottery... given the use of the colloidial silver there is without a doubt male and female genetics in every seed.... so yes you were right... i humble to your existence.... LMFAO!
you were on the right track!! :p


New Member
Just an update the last 2 are females they aren't pretty but they are females. Lots of white pistols shooting out , I'm still gonna order some good seeds from a seed bank , but I am happy that 2 of 12 are female I was about to just hang it up and quit Thanks for the support
I am happy that 2 of 12 are female I was about to just hang it up and quit Thanks for the support
One of the best quotes on the web is in this forum , im to baked to find it, but it goes something like "finding a thousand ways not to grow a clone" talking about quitting is not pretty and best kept for people who still smoke cigs .
In my opinion half the reason weed is so fucking popular worldwide is the immense satisfaction taken by people growing ,the other half is obviously,
the getting baked for free < LOL