Getting High Is'nt Like It Used To Be


Well-Known Member
I miss the good ol'days of scrounging around town for a bag of weed.
I don't miss the actual searching, I miss the satisfying feeling after a long day of making phone calls and finally getting that sweet skunk smelling bag of weed.
I remember it like it was yesterday. Hurrying back to my secret location to roll a philly and getting really, really stoned.
Back then getting high was an adventure for me. I was such a newbie back then.
I had no idea where weed came from or how it was grown.
Plus back then a bag of 7 grams went for about $20. Back then $20 was alot of money. I had to work a full 8 hours to make $20.
Back then I could get tank of gas, a carton of cigarettes, a bag of weed and some munchies for less than $50. Which by the way was my entire paycheck. Every friday it was a ritual of cashing that paycheck and getting on the phone to score a lid.

Nowadays It's not the same. I'm not saying it's better or worse, it's just different.
Meaning; There's no searching, because I grow my own. It's not an adventure anymore.
If I wanted a to buy 7 grams, a carton of cigarettes, a tank of gas, and muchies today I'd have to spend close to $200.

Anybody have any ideas on how I can get that kid like feeling back?


Well-Known Member
quit for a while and only smoke on occasion when u start back up again.... i know exactly how you feel i wish i could go back to the good ol days but things have changed :( Weed seems to come to easily now days haha more like a routine than anything....


Well-Known Member
I'd say go on a long hike with some friends. make it so you guys can't smoke till the absolute end of the day when you reach your destination.

then smoke up a fat one you'll get nice and lit and nature will just reach out and hug you :)


Well-Known Member
Screw that I hate searching for weed, I just roll with the times. I cant wait to for harvest season.... long ways away.


Well-Known Member
I used to pay $70.00 an OZ for hash.. $40. weed.... acid $0.50 500mics... mescaline $50.00..oz.... coke $20.00 a gram... ether taste and numb your whole head....
I'd say go on a long hike with some friends. make it so you guys can't smoke till the absolute end of the day when you reach your destination.

then smoke up a fat one you'll get nice and lit and nature will just reach out and hug you :)

I totally agree with this...what better way to enjoy your day. I know on the days that I can't be smoking all day, by the end of the day it is such a relaxing treat. Not only that, but, getting out an exercising will release all those endorphines to make you feel good during the day.:cool:


Well-Known Member
I totally agree with this...what better way to enjoy your day. I know on the days that I can't be smoking all day, by the end of the day it is such a relaxing treat. Not only that, but, getting out an exercising will release all those endorphines to make you feel good during the day.:cool:
I really want to go down to the beach and get high... Just sit and chill while listening to the waves. The kicker is I have a problem when I get high, I have difficulty keeping my clothes on. As one of my friends stated, "Barefoot and naked, the only way to be high" or as my wife said, "We can't take him to burning man, his inner nudist would come out and we'd never get him dressed again."



Well-Known Member
Fug dat shit, I smoke so much I am forever searching for my stash, no memory, always a reason to reward myself. :P
But yeah freah air and the sounds of nature always makes the sacrament go down nicer.



Well-Known Member
Anybody have any ideas on how I can get that kid like feeling back?
Yea, quit for a long time. I smoked all the time when I was growing up and at some point about 10 years ago I just stopped. I recently decided to try it again and it was a magical experience! Almost as good as it was back then!


Active Member
mj is a necessity for just dealing with general anxiety of life. for me anyway. i find the days i get to trip or roll are way more rewarding. experiment with more psychedelics! just have respect for them. small doses and limit tripping/rolling to no more than once or twice a month.


Well-Known Member
Anybody have any ideas on how I can get that kid like feeling back?
I know the feeling. Take a break for a while, Id say about two weeks!! I know thats a long time for someone who smokes alot. But its totally worth it!! Get some exercise too!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the replies.
I think I'll try to take a break, I don't know how it's gonna turn out.
In the last year the longest I've gone is about 4 days, and that's only because I had some dental work done.

What can I say, I love my plants and my plants love me....
My plants and I have a mutual agreement. I take care of them, and my plants take care of me.

I don't know what to do.
I don't think it's possible for me to stop for 2 weeks.
I'm in my grow everyday doing maintenance, and I know that I'll be totally wigging out within 2 days of not smoking any weed.
Due to the fact that I'm constantly around my plants.
I have a perpetual harvest every 2 weeks, so when I walk in my grow room and see my ladies producing
such bountiful, bodacious, beautiful, buds.......All I want to do is smoke.

I don't know.......I'll have to smoke some more and think about it.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
just think of it like this . . . it works better in smaller amounts.

even after 2 days you'll get an intensely better high that'll send you back into the old days . . . .

a week will send you into the clouds...

2 weeks you'll be in outer space . . . .

good luck bro . . . .