Getting holes in leaves and some blade loss


I’m fairly new to coco and need some help. I cannot identify any pests anywhere and my plants are fairly healthy over all. But just wondering if any one has seen this or thinks it could become a problem. Getting small chunks/holes missing from leaf, and some tiny specs on a few fan leafs

I was thinking worm or caterpillar but I see no droppings or any other residue and it’s only a just a couple leafs. But want to stop it if it’s something bad.

i just started week 3 of flower.



No cat Or animals it is in a 4x4 tent. Fan is very close but on medium and oscillating .it’s happening on leafs on the furthest side of plant more so than the ones close to the fan.


Some more photos. This is the most I can find on underside of leaves. But when I zoom in 60x-130x on the bud scope it looks like nothing but like some tiny piece of perlite from my hands having some of them from tilling up the coco. Could it be a nutrient lock out?

