No worries...just dont say things like i am in this to help my friend and not in it like you to make money...i am in this to make money F U C K my friends. You will see this when you are a little older. I have people calling me from Calif that want my meds all the time...TRUE TOP SHELF IS FAR AND FEW IN THE OMMP You guys just dont know it. Just like winos like cheep wine. Always a market for cheep weed...hell more of a market for cheep weed then top shelf...But you dont even know there is a dry season in Aug..till outdoor comes up end of Sept to Nov...So you are really showing how noob you are. AND YOU TRY AND TELL ME THINGS? For the last 4 to 5 years all you want to be growers have showed up and just fucked this market all up with you cheep ass weed. And the clubs snatching it all up because you guys give it away...They pay you when and if they ever do. You guys are doing this not the clubs...YOU GROWERS HAVE THE POWER WHY DO YOU ALLOW THE CLUBS TO USE YOU LIKE THIS?...and fuck this site and its loser mods.
Well you just don't know what you are talking about. If you think outdoor don't compete with indoor.And who is angry? Not me. You new growers are just like cheep walmart labor. They use you and you guys are clueless or really just dont have a choice? The clubs take you cheep weed for they lower the price at the club? NO WAY! But most top shelf growers have just open there own club, and most of the good clubs have started all there own grows to control every thing from start to end. So we will see what happens when all the dust settles. shelf growers all over the place just not many in Oregon in OMMP..lots of middle & bottom shelf dirt farmers. And if you know of any let me know, We are in need all the time. We built are club on only top shelf and see that people are really getting hip to good weed. Where 3 years ago all they wanted was CHEEP. We cant keep up. My friend went the other way and does cheep $150 oz in a club, he is doing ok but not as good as us. Walmart shoppers always want it cheaper and really dont care how good any thing is. We find a market for both kinds of people, i just want to work with people that have money and want the best. Fuck those walmart shoppers. They dont have any money any ways...This is all in a flux now and will be going threw lots of changes, so just be ready to change fast and often. But i have 3 very large greenhouses and in about 40 days i will flood the market with lots of cheep greenhouse and so will lots of outdoor people. So tell me then that indoor dont compeat with outdoor. My greenhouse for the first 60 days is just as good as any indoor, but i just move it cheep and fast. Because we have sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. But hell my indoor is doing over 200p a year now and about to double that. Every one thinks price goes down with clubs and dispensaries but if you look at Calif...Co....Seattle...those guys have the most clubs and hold the highest price. Its just the growers that get fucked...
What'd ya say? All I see is a bunch of self-important bullshit, having trouble actually translating anything of value.
I didn't realize your from Oregon. That explains your attitude toward CA. It's a well known fact that Oregonians don't care for Califorians. Don't known when or how it all started but any type of debate would more than likely be futile and get nowhere, so I'm out- Good growing and.
I actually saw a statistic recently that said Portland drivers are among the nations worst.
"In the 2013 analysis of collision frequency in the nation's 200 largest cities, Portland ranks as one of the least safe driving cities, landing with a screech and a crunch at number 154 on the list.
The average Portland driver will experience an auto collision every 7.9 years, which is about 27 percent more likely than the national average, according to the report."
That being said, I'm willing to risk my life on these roads before I'll go back to live in Georgia.
I moved to Oregon from California, and everyone's SO nice. They kind of rib ya a bit, but it's not serious. I think they actually like Californians because we moved here and were happy to pay $350K for a house -- Oregon home prices seem so affordable if you're moving from SF Bay Area. Their home prices have easily doubled since the California invasion.
These are also the most polite drivers ever (I'm talking the whole state, except Portland, sorry Pdx....). We have traffic jams because everyone is letting everyone else merge (even me, when I had my California plates). A driver ahead of you can space out thru 2 red/green light cycles before anyone will even think of honking. I am EASILY the meanest driver in Eugene. (I'm working on it)
That being said, there is a LOT pride involved with the weed stuff, and of course Duck Football.And, as proven by that douchbag's ranting posts, there's blowhards everywhere. I think he's the exception for OR growers. Most growers I've met have a healthy respect for nice bud, regardless of geography.
As a former English Teacher, that dude's grammar and spelling completely negate his credibility for me. Pet peeve thing.
I have started a trend that sometimes people get the clue, and it catches on. I am sharing this with you all in hopes you all will spread this gospel. Don't let them get away with it. When at the end of the line, and you see this happening, move your car so that it take up part of that lane, and your lane. Then if the guy behind you gets a clue he will move a bit more over as well, thus blocking that lane from those self righteous ass holes that think there time is more important yours and drives on past you only be let in 10 blocks up from you. LOL