Getting Message That RIU Is An Attack Page

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As far as I'm concerned I'm the only one doing it right. I'm not just making some obscure picture of my drawing for people to try and figure it out. I model real world products and provide hyperlinks to all the objects. And base it off of your budget. And I give 'em the info they need to do it right. Like fan CFM and vent it out the window instead of just putting it somewhere that they'd have to drill a hole in there house! Besides I probably know more about growing marijuana than most of the yahoos on here. And why would you lie about my links having viruses?! I could convert it to .pdf but it wouldn't be the same and you wouldn't have links to the corresponding object. Or be able to measure everything.

calm down man...i was just fucking around with you. jesus dude. this a forum. stop taking everything so literal. you need to get some thicker skin pal.

gastanker already does the 3d autocads for people and has been doing it for a while. he even uses a lighting program to show light footprint and disbursement. other guys on here give people floorplans and layouts as well for grow rooms. i guarantee you don't have near the experience as them. those dudes know all about plumbing, electrical, construction, equipment, etc.... that's why their threads are so long. majority of people don't want to have to download some program on there computer just to see your drawings. good luck though.
I am just wondering at this point if there are any ppl in charge here who are smarter than the hackers....if not lets get someone in who can fix the site once and for all. I mean shit if it costs us some money to get a pro in here I for one will pay a very minimal monthly due towards a secure reliable forum. I hope I dont come off like a d**k, but I depend on this site to help with the stresses of my day.

**EDIT**I am in no way saying I am smart enough to fix this, so dont think that I am a know it all please.
Not directing this at you bassman. Just an observation.

It really puzzles me how people can complain so bitterly about a site they can access for free. A site that offers a meeting place for medical growers with a broad range of experience and knowledge. For FREE. It's amazing. I bless my luck every day for finding this site. I didn't have success in growing until I joined.. I spent months lurking and reading and educating myself. I, for one, wouldn't hesitate to pay a monthly charge to access this site. But keep in mind, a lot of people who are medical cannabis recipients wouldn't be able to afford it. Which I'm sure the owner is aware of. Look at what all this site has to offer and then compare that to the small problems we encounter OCCASIONALLY. It's not like this shit happens once a week or even once a month. Relax. Smoke a bowl. Gain perspective.
Not directing this at you bassman. Just an observation.

It really puzzles me how people can complain so bitterly about a site they can access for free. A site that offers a meeting place for medical growers with a broad range of experience and knowledge. For FREE. It's amazing. I bless my luck every day for finding this site. I didn't have success in growing until I joined.. I spent months lurking and reading and educating myself. I, for one, wouldn't hesitate to pay a monthly charge to access this site. But keep in mind, a lot of people who are medical cannabis recipients wouldn't be able to afford it. Which I'm sure the owner is aware of. Look at what all this site has to offer and then compare that to the small problems we encounter OCCASIONALLY. It's not like this shit happens once a week or even once a month. Relax. Smoke a bowl. Gain perspective.

hey, everyone is entitled to an opinion and at least they are voicing it in the support section. i see guys that have been members for 5 years still posting this shit in advanced marijuana or general growing. that get's annoying
i also wouldnt mind paying a monthly or annual fee for a safe secure site, however i fear that too many people would then be unable to access the site. however the malware issue is unsettling, and i hope we can find some way to remedy it, i also hope its not something planted by the fed, since fdds bust ive been uneasy, and sometimes a bit paranoid.
hey, everyone is entitled to an opinion and at least they are voicing it in the support section. i see guys that have been members for 5 years still posting this shit in advanced marijuana or general growing. that get's annoying

As I stated earlier Scooby, it was merely an observation. I agree everyone has the right to their opinion. Including myself. Which I gave. :)
Not directing this at you bassman. Just an observation.

It really puzzles me how people can complain so bitterly about a site they can access for free. A site that offers a meeting place for medical growers with a broad range of experience and knowledge. For FREE. It's amazing. I bless my luck every day for finding this site. I didn't have success in growing until I joined.. I spent months lurking and reading and educating myself. I, for one, wouldn't hesitate to pay a monthly charge to access this site. But keep in mind, a lot of people who are medical cannabis recipients wouldn't be able to afford it. Which I'm sure the owner is aware of. Look at what all this site has to offer and then compare that to the small problems we encounter OCCASIONALLY. It's not like this shit happens once a week or even once a month. Relax. Smoke a bowl. Gain perspective.

I get frustrated, but seriously about the free part. I like RIU enough I would pay to use it if it worked right.
I didnt read your whole reply b4 I answered. Even $1-2 a month per user acct would bring in so much money to provide better servers and support.
I too learned to grow on this very forum
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