Getting Pretty Tired of the Men Bashing

I believe this was actually one part of a two part social experiment...I say that because I think the same company that created the woman video also did a video in Hamilton Ontario where one of the recent soldiers who was shot lived. They dressed a guy up in a white gown and tried to provoke Hamiltonians into acting upon their perceived threat. Never been prouder to be a Hamiltonian!!
That's them putting their foot in the door, any acknowledgement is you saying "you're welcome to come in", which is why she doesn't say anything
saying "no thanks" or "leave me alone" is the same as "you're welcome to come in"??
I doubt that... she didn't say anything, and then edited the video to perpetuate the myth that all men are pigs.
I highly doubt she would be raped if she turned around and told that guy following her to "fuck off, asshole!" , like a normal woman would do.
Fuck that creepy bitch, and fuck that video, it doesn't prove anything.
Oh fuck, you brought science into it!

It's kinda weird the post you're replying to held that position.. if you look at modern men, it's the same story. Why do we strive so hard to secure financial success, physical success, etc.? Because of women.. the peacocks colors are the same as the bankers wallet. All men know this. So it would seem biology tells quite the different story..
Yes, I get it, You can use biology both ways… I was just illustrating one point.

Different species, different approaches to mating.

We are a product of our biology first, and culture second.

I would expect that YOU, of all our female RIU members, would come clean concerning how calculating females are with their appearance and wardrobe selection, as you seem to be one of the few that shows any semblance of integrity. But even you refuse to acknowledge the truth.

Disappointing, but not surprising.

I can respect your position, and I agree with some of the same points you make, But why "ME" of all RIU members should come clean? Clarify that please? I guessing it's because I'm pretty pragmatic when it comes to these unwinnable, circular debates. (at least I hope that's what motivated that comment) I never refused to acknowledge the truth. Read back through my posts on this thread. I only posted that video to see a male perspective on cat calling, wondering if men actually thought that strategy would work.

I knew it would spark debate on other related topics, but I seriously wanted to know.

My position (again) on these types of issues is a matter of reality:

YES men are visual

YES women should be responsible for how they dress and know the potential consequences of that (as ANY person needs to take responsibility for their appearance and its implications)

YES those people behind that video have an agenda (albeit an impossible one to change human biology under the thinly veiled battle cry of "raising awareness"

YES it's unfair that every micro detail our our culture isn't neat and even but THAT'S THE WAY IT IS…

Changing anything starts with the individual and I've long argued with my gender that if you want this shit to stop, then BE the change, stop being a slave to the make-up, hair, etc. Don't let others dictate your worth blah blah blah.

@Wilksey : I don't know if these are the "truths I'm refusing to acknowledge" or not, but that's how I live my life. When you say my posts are disappointing but not surprising, I'm sitting here wondering if you even read them. I think I'm being pretty fair minded and realistic.
my example responses:
"no thanks" or "leave me alone"
could NOT be misinterpreted as a welcome to continue.
If she is not interested, why would she give positive feedback?
I know right?! Some real chick somewhere might actually think sticking up for womens rights not to be harassed by idiots who can't control themselves is a good idea!

What kinda anti-women uncle-tom are you, c2g?

So Curtis please enlighten me:

(1) When did the First Amendment stop applying to black males, and,
(2) When did you become such a racist, and,
(3) Why would you hyphenate a proper noun?

Before you let your racially superior attitude run away with you try this on for size. Back in our genetic history there appears to be a single source of mitochondrial DNA. We simply phenotype differently based upon environmental adaptation.

As for your attempt at a pejorative dig at me, child you need to up your game, my racist adoptive parents did a much better job,

PS Coming from Los Angeles I'm appalled you do not realize how offensive it is to call a black person an Uncle Tom but that was your point was it not? To be as offensive as your misogynistic self can be, all the while attempting to exorcise your fear of strong women. It's the locus of your control fantasies Curtis.
New York Times: Should Black And Hispanic Men Be Banned From Chatting Up White Feminist Women?

By now, you’ve probably seen the viral video in which the frumpy woman with the “Flashdance” hair walks around the streets of New York City getting catcalled.

The hidden-camera video was released last week by Hollaback, a group that bills itself as “an international movement to end street harassment.” The video documents the woman, 24-year-old actress Shoshana Roberts walking the streets of New York for 10 hours as she claims to be the victim of some 100 instances of harassment. (RELATED: Why I’m Not Buying That New York City Street Harassment Video)

Now, The New York Times wants to know if a law should shield white feminist women by preventing black and Hispanic men from speaking to them, and possibly offending their tender sensibilities.

“Do We Need a Law Against Catcalling?” the august, Victorian newspaper asks.

“Should current laws dealing with harassment be strengthened to include catcalling, or will that go too far in trying to control speech and behavior?”

In the video, virtually every man who speaks to Roberts (with comments such as “How you doing today?”) is either black or Hispanic..............."

When do men get some rights, like the right to NOT have a kid if some chick gets pregnant?

Oh, and Padawantoraper, you live in Ventura. It's a long ways from Los Angeles in many ways. Stop trying to sound "tough" because you ""have lived your whole life in L.A." Not true.
Also, just because you watch and follow MMA doesn;t make you a badass. Anyone who really is a badass and knows how to fight would never ask someone online for their "stats" so they could drop weight for an efight. This is just another example that you do NOT live in reality. Calling someone a "pussy" online because they clown you and won;t take the time and expense to travel 900 miles to choke you out so you can have them arrested or sue them, just makes you look like an even bigger asshat. Buy a clue. Oh, you can;t. Well, good luck in life. You are going to need it.
New York Times: Should Black And Hispanic Men Be Banned From Chatting Up White Feminist Women?
By now, you’ve probably seen the viral video in which the frumpy woman with the “Flashdance” hair walks around the streets of New York City getting catcalled.

The hidden-camera video was released last week by Hollaback, a group that bills itself as “an international movement to end street harassment.” The video documents the woman, 24-year-old actress Shoshana Roberts walking the streets of New York for 10 hours as she claims to be the victim of some 100 instances of harassment. (RELATED: Why I’m Not Buying That New York City Street Harassment Video)

Now, The New York Times wants to know if a law should shield white feminist women by preventing black and Hispanic men from speaking to them, and possibly offending their tender sensibilities.

“Do We Need a Law Against Catcalling?” the august, Victorian newspaper asks.

“Should current laws dealing with harassment be strengthened to include catcalling, or will that go too far in trying to control speech and behavior?”

In the video, virtually every man who speaks to Roberts (with comments such as “How you doing today?”) is either black or Hispanic..............."

When do men get some rights, like the right to NOT have a kid if some chick gets pregnant?

Oh, and Padawantoraper, you live in Ventura. It's a long ways from Los Angeles in many ways. Stop trying to sound "tough" because you ""have lived your whole life in L.A." Not true.
Also, just because you watch and follow MMA doesn;t make you a badass. Anyone who really is a badass and knows how to fight would never ask someone online for their "stats" so they could drop weight for an efight. This is just another example that you do NOT live in reality. Calling someone a "pussy" online because they clown you and won;t take the time and expense to travel 900 miles to choke you out so you can have them arrested or sue them, just makes you look like an even bigger asshat. Buy a clue. Oh, you can;t. Well, good luck in life. You are going to need it.

Dude like......She wasn`t even hot !i
So men take it as a "compliment" and women take it as an "insult". That was pretty funny though!
Only uptight, feminist prudes see it as an insult.
Most of the normal women I know, see it as, and enjoy the compliments.
When I notice other men checking out my woman, it assures me she is sexy.
If she never got those normal glances from other men, I would have to rethink my standards.
So how come Padawanmasturbater's threads always become a shitfest? Perhaps he never paid attention in school and uses RIU as a sociology class? Maybe validation that women are chattel? Dunno, but life experience tells me he is insecure in most aspects of life.

edit: and has Peeps for balls
Tbh it's actually quite embarrassing.

I remember years ago walking down the road and you can see there's a building site ahead. You know that they (the builders) are going to say/shout something. Then other pedestrians are going to look over at you. It's not cool, it's just a nuisance.
It's just the boys posturing to each other; no realistic guy ever expects that to pay off. Its male posturing, you gals are just a prop in those circumstances
New York Times: Should Black And Hispanic Men Be Banned From Chatting Up White Feminist Women?
By now, you’ve probably seen the viral video in which the frumpy woman with the “Flashdance” hair walks around the streets of New York City getting catcalled.

The hidden-camera video was released last week by Hollaback, a group that bills itself as “an international movement to end street harassment.” The video documents the woman, 24-year-old actress Shoshana Roberts walking the streets of New York for 10 hours as she claims to be the victim of some 100 instances of harassment. (RELATED: Why I’m Not Buying That New York City Street Harassment Video)

Now, The New York Times wants to know if a law should shield white feminist women by preventing black and Hispanic men from speaking to them, and possibly offending their tender sensibilities.

“Do We Need a Law Against Catcalling?” the august, Victorian newspaper asks.

“Should current laws dealing with harassment be strengthened to include catcalling, or will that go too far in trying to control speech and behavior?”

In the video, virtually every man who speaks to Roberts (with comments such as “How you doing today?”) is either black or Hispanic..............."

When do men get some rights, like the right to NOT have a kid if some chick gets pregnant?

Oh, and Padawantoraper, you live in Ventura. It's a long ways from Los Angeles in many ways. Stop trying to sound "tough" because you ""have lived your whole life in L.A." Not true.
Also, just because you watch and follow MMA doesn;t make you a badass. Anyone who really is a badass and knows how to fight would never ask someone online for their "stats" so they could drop weight for an efight. This is just another example that you do NOT live in reality. Calling someone a "pussy" online because they clown you and won;t take the time and expense to travel 900 miles to choke you out so you can have them arrested or sue them, just makes you look like an even bigger asshat. Buy a clue. Oh, you can;t. Well, good luck in life. You are going to need it.

ahem. you might have wanted to look into this first.

they edited out the white guys.