New Member
Bad Cops can be dicks.
When the cops raided me I asked them if they were going to be taking my computer and they said that it costs way too much to have a computer analyzed so unless I was going to confess to some child pornography they weren't gonna touch it. The only times I've heard of computers being grabbed was those idiots who decided to fuck with Area 51, and 'suspected terrorists' or just an abuse of the Patriot Act [which in itself is an abuse...]why are people so paranoid about thing ^^ like the one guy said unless your some child molestor and have kiddy porn or something i dont think cops will care 1 b it about a computer
No need, you can have a cracker/programmer create a key sequence to be used in this situation to wipe the drive clean, a sequence complex enough not to be triggered accidentally.to efficiently destroy your HDD you should rig an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) to detroy the magnetic writes on the drive. even after being burned they can still recover prtions of the info. Especially if you just dump the HDD unless it was written over its still on the drive. If your that far along in the search they probably wont need pictures to add to any charges.
No need, you can have a cracker/programmer create a key sequence to be used in this situation to wipe the drive clean, a sequence complex enough not to be triggered accidentally.
The magnet trick would work the best, unless you went about using an sd card.Get a really really really REEEEEALLY strong magnet (Something like you would pull off a JLaudio 12" sub) and if you feel it neccesary put the magnet next to the drive. It will erase everything.
Or not LoLLLLLLL!you could do that but depending on the size of the HDD and speed of the PC it could take hrs to fully erase it. In order to fully erase your HDD so no data can be recovered you would need that program to erase said data then write over it and erase it a minimum of 7 times before the original data is fully gone. Simply hitting the delete doesnt get rid of your files
Right on bro.hahaha yea we know but its always fun for me to think of some cool McGuyver type shit. Today my project is going to be turning my old pc into a video recorder for my security cams. Those were by far my best security investment and deturrs alot of crime once ppl see them. Ive caught neighbors kids goin in my car looking for smokes, a weird old guy on the corner likes to let his dog shit in my front yard and best of all my setup would let me see pigs from a mile away. no surprisin me. it looks weird in my room though there is two pc's a TV to watch cable, three tv's for cams, an a laptop in there
You talkin' to me? You didn't quote anybody so I just wanted to be sure.no your absolutely right on that one. but most half decent lawyers will get the judge to laugh that out of court, unless its the only charge and their pissed for not findin anything
aaaaaahhhhhhhhh shit we got another virgin on RIU.We need to get you some pussy brolol no im no child molestor. The only thing thats touched my dick has been my hand so far lol.