Getting ready for my first clonign operation, what do I need to know/have


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone...I'm getting ready to go 12/12 on my first grow on Sunday. I"ve seen enough and there's enough out their as far as great videos on cloning. I would like some input though on exactly what some people use. When I had originally got my clones they were in rock wool and saturated with nutes. I've tried to read up on it and it seem as though saturating the lil clone with nutes is a real bad idea so I don't think I"m going to go that route. I have a "hot" soil by roots organics just the camo bag one (I think it's the 1.5 sq/ft one) so that will be enough. What I don't know is should I use something like rapid rooter plugs. Also what are some good gels..maybe what you prefer or even what you have used and don't like. One last question that I think I know the answer too but want to make it OK to use scissors (disinfected with alcohol) or do you need those special bonsai sheers they sell.

EDIT: Sorry about the misspelled word. The correct word is cloning..I am aware of that ;)
This is what I use:
Used it exclusively for years, also use dip n' grow, and I get almost 100% rooted. I just did a run of 10, 100%, the last 2 just showed roots today.
If you do go with that system, make sure you don't put water in the bottom of the pan. The instructions are a bit unclear, and I learned by experience adding even a small amount of water in the pan is too wet.
build a bubble cloner works great.ive done straight water and had very good rates of roots with them. around 90 to 100%
Not saying the bubble cloners don't work, because they do, but in my experience it is WAY more work than the bio dome. The bio dome is pretty much plug and play, put em in, 7-10 days later, roots, I prefer to keep it simple.
personally I'd love an aerocloner but unfortunately I don't have that kind of cash lying around ATM. I do like both ideas but I"m surprised that in the bio dome there is no water does the humidity work out then I wonder.
personally I'd love an aerocloner but unfortunately I don't have that kind of cash lying around ATM. I do like both ideas but I"m surprised that in the bio dome there is no water does the humidity work out then I wonder.
You soak the plugs first. Then I use a eye dropper to add a little water from the top, if needed. Usually not needed because the moisture stays in, but depending on the ambient temp they are in, you may need to add a LITTLE water towards the end. This last batch I was talking about...8 of them had rooted, and I noticed the other 2 were just a tad dry, so I added an eye droppers worth on Tues afternoon, this afternoon when I got home, roots.
is there some sort of heated seed mat in the bottom? do you still dip the clone in clonex (or something similar) before putting in the dome?
I second the bubble cloner.

--I know a simple dome over the rock-wool plugs is the easiest, my DWC/Bubble cloner can also be used as a full veg setup if necessary so if I'm backed up I can veg under my CFL back and move them to the flower room, with little to no stress. I usually get roots within one week so even my cheapo/weak aquarium pumps seem to do the trick. Just drill some holes in the top of a 5-10 gallon tupperware lid, fill the res with water/clone nuts and get some foam or some neoprene collars, and you have a high success cloner that requires ZERO dome and can tolerate low humidity. The only thing you'll ever have to watch is your res temp, if it's too warm, then do the plug/dome method.
i built this bubble cloner for 30 bucks here is about 5 days cuttings in it is working good.


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Hi ya 420 :)

Excited ? ... or scared ? :) hehe

I used to really stress over cloning But i have always had luck on my side .

I say keep it simple .

Net pots , Coco , Rhizotonic , Propagator .

I fill the little pot with Coco ...I water with 1ltr of PH balanced water ( 5.7 ) and 2ml of Rhizo .

i put the pots in the porp with the dome on for a few hours under the light , Then take cuttings , Dip them in rooting gel ( trimming the fan leaves a bit ) poke a hole in the warm coco and slide the cutting in ( But not to the bottom of the hole i made ) I then squeeze the coco around the stem just a bit ....spray with water and Rhizo ..and close the lid :)

I found that if they get to warm in the first few days its gonna make them wilt , Propagators can heat up inside pretty quick , So i keep the temp low but the light as close as i can on 24/7 for about a week ... Misting ever day ( but don't over soak them ) I allow them to dry out before i re-water ( net pots help a lot ) .

Hope that helps a bit :)

Good Luck !
i built this bubble cloner for 30 bucks here is about 5 days cuttings in it is working good.

nice i just build mine as well cloned 6 and so far 2 rooted 3 days well kinda i guess theres lil hairs showing where did you get that dome i am useing reg dome for now and it really sucks
nice i just build mine as well cloned 6 and so far 2 rooted 3 days well kinda i guess theres lil hairs showing where did you get that dome i am useing reg dome for now and it really sucks
the dome is a clear tote the same size as the lower one just a deeper one i flipped it upside down and set it on top lol it works really good.