Getting ready to order some goodies, any tips on products that could help optimize my grow?


Hey guys I'm currently growing, . NL sunshine #4 soilless grow, LST. Got some funds together to order some stuffs of the internets. As of right now I have the fox farm trio, what else would i need to help optimize my grow in regards of having a complete nutrient line, I am going to get some cal mag soon aswell. Are there any other proven products that i am missing or might need during the flowering phase? Also i plan on vegging for 8 weeks, do i just keep up with the 4th week dosing per feeding schedule until i begin to flower? I appreciate your helps. I added some pics of my setup at the moment.


Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Si and a product called SEA GREEN.
Don't add a PK booster till at LEAST week 4 of bloom and then use sparingly.

Sea Green will reduce your nutrient use by 50% or you'll burn your plants if you don't. Saves a lot of cash in the long run.