Getting Ready To Start 2nd Grow - Tangerine Dream


Active Member
when you say your using a double light do you mean a dual spectrum if so id stick with that bulb all through the grow you wont need to change also just a little tip for your next grow instead of putting your seedlings straight into a plastic pot buy some fibre pots from b&q with those you dont have to take the plants out at all the roots will break through them and it makes transferring a much easier job and doesnt stress the plants or cause any root damage


Active Member
Thats the word i was looking for, Dual Spectrum. yes thats what im using, but id of thought the Mh wud of been better, guess not. Cant remember if i mentioned it but i also have 2 more of these at a pals. i went n had a look today and they both look absolutely gawjus. Really Bright green leaves they only hav the 1st n 2nd set but honestly i have to say they have grown alot better than mine have. I spose thats jus coz i have no choice but to leave them where as i can look n mess around with the ones i got here with me. More to the point i will be starting 5 LEMON autoflowring seeds at the start of next week. and will be posting them online. In actual fact me n the friend are planning on doing a whole room full. 20-30 plants. Can u recommend a good light setup not to expensive but obviously good enough to cope with many plants. I have a large cupboard area and are planning on sticking the 5 lemsip seeds in ther with a 250w. do u think that will be sufficient. Also since i started growing i havent owend anything else other than HPS n MH. Is ther a cheaper alternative I.E Cfl's florescent, incandescent ???