getting rid of the chloraphyl smell


Well-Known Member
are you cutting any of the plant before or while drying? This can cause chlorophyl to "bleed" out on to your plants . Also blow a fan on them while the hang dry. I have let plants go about 2 weeks just hang drying and I had no probs. Also make surwe to stope nutes, like others are saying. And give just water or water with some type of flush the last 2 weeks. You see when they dry lots of things happen. One of the biggest is the evaporation or removal of chlorophyl. You also maty just be drying to fast. If it is humid and hot your babies will dry faster than usual and not finish their processes. Try to dry in a closet in the dark and just blow a fan on them. i can pull a bud after my babies are hanging for like 6 dayd and put it right in the bong. It smells and tastes great.

Now once dry I do cure. If you over dry there are several ways to make sure the buds get remoistened . so dry longer and get rid of the nasty chlorophyl.

I am no expeert I am just sharing my experiences. also while they are hanging leave the plant alone NO CUTTING! when cut the plant " bleeds" chlorophyil , and that is no good!

I hoope this works out for you. I know how bummed you can get with one problem at the end. good luck and keep me posted!


Well-Known Member
I get nice tasting bud, flush for a week before the chop and then dry it for longer,

the reason your getting that grassy smelling tasting bud, is because when your putting it in the jar thats what it smells of, so your just concentrating that smell, you need to put it away and dry it slowly over the period of about 2 weeks and then put in to the glass jars, the smell of the bud at this point will be much better and then when you put in the jar it will concentrate it,

btw after 2 weeks of drying my bud isn't too dry, its still a little damp.

I just like to take my time with it.


Well-Known Member
I get nice tasting bud, flush for a week before the chop and then dry it for longer,

the reason your getting that grassy smelling tasting bud, is because when your putting it in the jar thats what it smells of, so your just concentrating that smell, you need to put it away and dry it slowly over the period of about 2 weeks and then put in to the glass jars, the smell of the bud at this point will be much better and then when you put in the jar it will concentrate it,

btw after 2 weeks of drying my bud isn't too dry, its still a little damp.

I just like to take my time with it.

And in taking the time the grassy taste isnt there because the plant enzymes have converted chlorophyll into natural sugar.


Well-Known Member
i relate to this too much. If I leave it out, it gets crispy within 3 - 5 days so I dont want too dry and I put away and I did same thing of putting them in within the 3-5 days in jars, I caught on cause I kept noticing that even If I emptied all the weed out of a jar the jar smelled of grass, So I kept leaving it out of the jar and cleaning jar or just switching jars if lazy the next 2 weeks and it got slowly better, never completely improved and always had a bit off flavor on some and a slight grass smell on some because i feel it cured the few days it was first in jars with the chloraphyl smell around.

so lesson learned, dont put in jars too quick cause it will definitely smell of grass.

hang upside down or hang in general. and have some moving air not too much. and a decent humidity. make sure jar doesnt actually smell like grass as the containers do keep smell.

but what if with all that it still got dry super quick to the touch, am I being paranoid and its not dry really on "inside", or am I still not giving the right environment. I swear I read about this more than anything and followed all these rules, but it was dry real fast to the touch left outside, and thats why I put in jars so quick. should I just accept it must be hung for x amount of time and then put in jars?

anything else missing for perfect dry. I even built one of those rubbermaid things with muffin fan, but that did same thing, dried too quick to touch even with speed controller.

should I just accept it must be hung for x amount of time and then put in jars even if it feels dry to the touch?


Well-Known Member
the reason your getting that grassy smelling tasting bud, is because when your putting it in the jar thats what it smells of, so your just concentrating that smell, you need to put it away and dry it slowly over the period of about 2 weeks and then put in to the glass jars, the smell of the bud at this point will be much better and then when you put in the jar it will concentrate it
wow that explained it perfectly.. thank you