Getting Rid of Trash

I've started to get worried about getting rid of any incriminating stuff related to my grow. I've searched around and read about burning or taking the trash to another container on a separate property. Neither of these really appeal to me. I don't really have a place to burn it and I really don't want to put it in my car and get pulled over or end up on a security camera.

How do I get rid of the plant material?

What about the paper and plastic stuff?

What about used rockwool cubes?

How do I get rid of this stuff! Thanks.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I've started to get worried about getting rid of any incriminating stuff related to my grow. I've searched around and read about burning or taking the trash to another container on a separate property. Neither of these really appeal to me. I don't really have a place to burn it and I really don't want to put it in my car and get pulled over or end up on a security camera.

How do I get rid of the plant material?

What about the paper and plastic stuff?

What about used rockwool cubes?

How do I get rid of this stuff! Thanks.
Paper and plastic just shred and recycle. Compost the plant material.


Active Member
You wear gloves and put it all into trash bags, i usually double bag, and maybe use a box to put the bags in if necessary, and take to a far away dumpster normally at a random apt complex other than mine. I am legal, but I act like i'm not, because the last thing I want is a raid.


Well-Known Member
put it in a bag ad then in a bag with actual reg. trash in it.... and wait for trash day and put it out a couple minutes before the trash man usually comes.
just a thought.


Well-Known Member
If you have a yard and a lawn mower......

As for rockwool, start growing some tomatoes in outdoor pots. That type of waste is perfectly normal from anyone that is growing fruits and veggies.


Well-Known Member
put it in a bag ad then in a bag with actual reg. trash in it.... and wait for trash day and put it out a couple minutes before the trash man usually comes.
just a thought.
That is the worst thing you can do... Why associate marijuana leaves with your thrown out cable bill?


Active Member
That is the worst thing you can do... Why associate marijuana leaves with your thrown out cable bill?
Right on, I almost made the same mistake thinking it would blend in with the other trash and smell like rotten food. They would look through it anyway if they suspect, and some of your trash will give out vulnerable information about you.


Active Member
Good ideas from everyone, if you live in a house with a yard compost what you can. Rockwool doesn't break down, thats why I like aeroponic cloning or using rapid rooter plugs. Plant material can be dried, cut up, and disguised a bit, and ideally buried or composted. Plastics can be tossed in trash just before pickup as another poster mentioned, bags turned inside out to hide labels, etc.

Whats been the most troublesome product to dispose of, maybe I can help give a very specific solution. A buddy of mine is super paranoid and worked out a deal with a local grow store, he tosses all his trash in their dumpster now, except plant material which he burns once its dry in his fire pit. Pretty clever I thought.


Well-Known Member
That is the worst thing you can do... Why associate marijuana leaves with your thrown out cable bill?
I guess... I've been doing it a while. maybe it's wrong. trash isn't as serious around here. the leaves are dead and ground up by that time. I rather not drive to a dump with that in my car to get rid of stalks mass amounts of nute bottles etc.

what works for some doesnt work for others.
composting is a good idea though.


Well-Known Member
I usually just throw the rockwool out in w/ my regular trash pickup but in a seperate bag. Its nothing but a short stem and a block at the point I throw it out anyway, nothing identifiable. Plant material I burn in my fireplace or in the fire pit outside in the summer.
Paper and plastic just shred and recycle. Compost the plant material.
Thanks for all the responses. I live in a typical 3 bedroom standalone house in your average residential area. I like the compost idea but I don't have experience with composting and would be worried about the neighbors smelling it. Is this a valid concern?

What about waste plant material in the garbage disposal in the kitchen sink?

Thanks again.


Active Member
Thanks for all the responses. I live in a typical 3 bedroom standalone house in your average residential area. I like the compost idea but I don't have experience with composting and would be worried about the neighbors smelling it. Is this a valid concern?

What about waste plant material in the garbage disposal in the kitchen sink?

Thanks again.
I don't think so, cannabis is some pretty tough shit. And it would suck to clog it up and then have to call someone to clean all the marijuana remains out of it...
I don't think so, cannabis is some pretty tough shit. And it would suck to clog it up and then have to call someone to clean all the marijuana remains out of it...
Lol, that would suck. Although I've replace a couple disposals so I could probably take care of it. Point taken though.


Active Member
Thanks for all the responses. I live in a typical 3 bedroom standalone house in your average residential area. I like the compost idea but I don't have experience with composting and would be worried about the neighbors smelling it. Is this a valid concern?

What about waste plant material in the garbage disposal in the kitchen sink?

Thanks again.
Bad idea using the disposal, you will break that thing sooner than later. Compost is pretty legit, mix in some common household items and dry the leaves first so they don't smell as strong. Keep it out of the way by your trash cans, plant some lavender right by the can to disguise any odors. Here's one that will work:

As I said earlier, my buddy has a deal with a local grow shop to toss all of his plastic stuff there. The guy doesn't mind because of how much stuff he buys. Ask your local hydro store owner, I'm sure he'd do it for a couple of bucks, and it blends with his trash perfectly.