Getting seeds to grow


Well-Known Member

I am having a hell of a time trying to get seeds to grow. I have tried putting them in a cup of water for 24 hours and then inbetween paper towels....or I have just started them in paper towels. Either way, my seeds will split and you can see the white...but thats it....they dont get longer, etc...what could be stunting them? Is this normal? Is there any sure fire way to start seeds?

Any and all comments appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
Ummm.... when they split and you see the little white tail, they are germinated. Then you put them in soil or in a hydro system to grow. At the top of each page is FAQs, you may want to do some reading there.

I am having a hell of a time trying to get seeds to grow. I have tried putting them in a cup of water for 24 hours and then inbetween paper towels....or I have just started them in paper towels. Either way, my seeds will split and you can see the white...but thats it....they dont get longer, etc...what could be stunting them? Is this normal? Is there any sure fire way to start seeds?

Any and all comments appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

I've never had any trouble w/ the paper towel method... just put it in your sock drawer or something where it's dark...

If the seeds are small or white, they probably just aren't good seeds... I like to squeeze the seed (not too hard).. if it breaks, it's no good... Should be nice and plump...

Once it cracks and the root starts to come out of the shell, that's when ya' wanna slap it down in some dirt (or other means if going hydro)... try to get the root facing down so you don't have to deal w/ it doing all kinds of crazy shit possibly...

As i said, i've never had any problems w/ the paper towel method, unless the seed was just bad...

I am having a hell of a time trying to get seeds to grow. I have tried putting them in a cup of water for 24 hours and then inbetween paper towels....or I have just started them in paper towels. Either way, my seeds will split and you can see the white...but thats it....they dont get longer, etc...what could be stunting them? Is this normal? Is there any sure fire way to start seeds?

Any and all comments appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Like was already mentioned, once the seed has cracked, then it has germinated and can be planted.

You say that the seeds crack, and then it dies? Are the seeds drying out, or after they crack, are you putting them back into the paper towels? Make sure the paper towels are moist, but not dripping soaking wet.

I have a heating mat that I put a small container with my seeds in paper towels on top of. The seeds usually crack and I can see the taproot in 12 - 24 hrs. Usually I'll let the taproot get about a cm long, then I'll plant it in soil. Just make sure the seed doesn't dry out once its cracked.
You say that the seeds crack, and then it dies? Are the seeds drying out, or after they crack, are you putting them back into the paper towels? Make sure the paper towels are moist, but not dripping soaking wet.

Yes the seeds crack and don't get a cm paper towels are soaking wet...i will try ringing them out first and see....
Soaking wet is no good. Ring the paper towel out and place the seeds inside. Lightly mist the towel when it dries out. No need to soak them. I always cover mine and place them on top of the cable box where its nice and warm.
I like to use my computer tower which is inside a cabinet. Seeds inside a wet paper towel, place a 16 ounce plastic cup over it so the paper towel doesn't dry out and into the cabinet it goes. From the moment I put water on the towel to when I have 1 cm long tails is no longer than 24 hours. Then, into a rockwool starter cube tail first and the head of the seed about 0.5 cm from the top. Then I use tweezers to 'fluff' the opening closed so the seed head can't just pop out. Water the whole cube with 1/4 strength solution and make sure it's in a warm environment under weak grow light. Within 1-2 days roots have already made it to the bottom of the root cube and from there it's grow time.
I finally have a method thats working, i bought a heat pad and i use moist, not soaking wet paper towels. It seems i was drowning the seeds....

Now I have seeds that are popping in dirt. I will be creating a half assed grow journal, mainly just pics....all comments are welcomed.

Thanks again everyone for their input!
I've never had any trouble w/ the paper towel method... just put it in your sock drawer or something where it's dark...

If the seeds are small or white, they probably just aren't good seeds... I like to squeeze the seed (not too hard).. if it breaks, it's no good... Should be nice and plump...

Once it cracks and the root starts to come out of the shell, that's when ya' wanna slap it down in some dirt (or other means if going hydro)... try to get the root facing down so you don't have to deal w/ it doing all kinds of crazy shit possibly...

As i said, i've never had any problems w/ the paper towel method, unless the seed was just bad...

not so true..ordered some PPP from nirvana las summer ., they wre little tiny ass white seeds.. my best grow yet
Soak in water for 10-16 hours and then place them in a damp not (soaking wet) paper towel for the next couple of days till they pop. Also place plastic wrap over the plate the seeds and towel are resting on. That should create a humid environment. I think the biggest key is having near 100% RH and placing the seeds in a warm dark environment.
Soak in water for 10-16 hours and then place them in a damp not (soaking wet) paper towel for the next couple of days till they pop. Also place plastic wrap over the plate the seeds and towel are resting on. That should create a humid environment. I think the biggest key is having near 100% RH and placing the seeds in a warm dark environment.

Yea, what I have been able to get to work is simply putting the seeds in a damp paper towel. Not soaking wet, just damp. Then I throw them in the cupboard on a heat pad and they pop and shoot roots....then i transfer to dirt.