Getting started again; 3x Crazy

So I just got back into town and am ready to get started again and get smoking! I dropped by Harborside and grabbed some 3x crazy(OGxGDPXBubba) cuts. I've always wanted to grow an OG but they always stretch on me and I end up with a shit yield. I'm hopping this will be a little more compact. I've grown Gods Gift(OGxGDP) with good success. I've been running Purple City Genetic's Cookies for the past year or two and am wanting to mix it up. Just fim'd em yesterday looks like theyre healing up well. Also looking for nutrients suggestions for soil. Ive been using a mix of some organic ish the past few runs but am also open to hear about others experiences. Please excuse the solo cups, I couldnt find any pots when i got home. I've got them under this led panel for the time being but considering breaking out the 600w next week. So Does anyone have experience with 3x Crazy? I really cant find anything about anyone growing it. Any info is much appreciated.


Hey guys just wanted to update my grow and get some feed back. Just fed liquid nutes for the first time this grow and now seeing some sort of deficiency. Maybe Mag? Gonna grow some cal mag on next time just to be safe. Also showing 2 very different phenotypes of the cut here. Any ideas?


3 weeks. Nice. Getting bushy. Just be sure ph of h2o is neutral, and keep feeding.
Thanks! yeah I got a little burn on the bottom but I think my soil is still a little hot. Neutral is in 7? My tap usually runs 8-8.5 and I was lowering it until i realized how much FFOF does along with the FF nutes I fed bring it down. Also the indica dom phonos on the left seem to be much more content with my feeding than the ones on the right. Same cut supposedly. Go figure.
Just wanted to bump with an update. Going into my forth week and so far no problems. Must of been a mix up with the some of the cuts because what I assumed were just sativa dom phonos are definitely another strain. You can see its stretched twice as much as the two on the left and has a very distinct sativa piney tropical fruit smell. I know DHN grows Chernobyl, Dream Queen, J-1. All possibilities. We'll see. I got some strange dark spots on the bottom leaves after watering last night. Any ideas? Just nute burn? Much thanks



Well-Known Member
Also looking for nutrients suggestions for soil. Ive been using a mix of some organic ish the past few runs but am also open to hear about others experiences.
I use Botanicare CNS17 grow, bloom, ripe. No issues. Last year purchased Pure Blend Pro grow. Growilla is their new organic line, from what I see online. I'm currently in Happy Frog soil, from FFOF.
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Well-Known Member
I got some strange dark spots on the bottom leaves after watering last night. Any ideas? Just nute burn? Much thanks
Looks like potassium def, or light burn. Bottom leafs will start to die off as plant ages anyway. Check ph of water/nutes going in, keep consistent. If fed too often (without enough plain waterings in between), salts may build up, locking out nutes.
Will do, thanks for the reply. I doubt to much light because its under the scrog. Also i was leaning more towards a a P deficiency rather than K because its seemed like more of a dark necrosis around the edge, not really yellow. Ive been using the fox farms trio feeding schedule to a T. Heres some better photos. Any recommendations on how to correct that? Guano?



Well-Known Member
Just wanted to give an update as I come up on week 5. I've yet to give them any boosters except some Rock Resinator for the first time today. Any thoughts on the stuff?
Never used it before (0-7-0 ). I'm just now switching from Grow to Bloom (Botanicare). Trying molasses with watering. I have Hydroplex (0-10-0) that I added to some Grow for one last higher N feeding, giving it a little P boost. Then will stick to Bloom nutes. We will see.