Getting To Know The Ladies

A true musician chiceh. :mrgreen:
10 years competing in drum corps. Ya musta been good gurl.
I'm the same way with the humming and singing most of the time.
Its nice to know a bit more about you.

The guitar is the only instrument I can not play. I have one and have tried to learn but for some reason I just can't get it. Only guitar here for me I guess, lol. I can play all brass instruments, the trumpet and french horn are my favorites. I can play the sax and clarinet as well as drums. But those damn strings, just can't get em, lol. In my younger years I was in a Drum Corps for 10 years, travelled and competed all over Canada and the U.S. Music is in me, I am always humming, singing, whistling or whatever. I got the music in me, lol. :mrgreen::peace:
Haha Chiceh. I watch Oprah while I was sewing today and saw this little kid rockin' away. He was REALLY good. He was on one of those kinds of computerized things.

Speaking of kids. Are you planning on having any more Chiceh?
I hope it wasn't too personal a question.

I am 34 and just got the Xbox 360 with guitar hero 2 & 3. I rock! :mrgreen::peace:
No way Lacy, lol. No more kids for me at least me not giving birth to one,lol. That event in my life has left me scared. It was traumatizing to say the least. I am happy with my only daughter, my 2 dogs oh and of course my Hubby. That is enough kids for me thanks. :mrgreen::peace:
Yes. Even after lazer surgery those fibroids can really play havoc to the body.

Hey I talked to kittysecret last night and she has joined and become elite to join us ladies here. I'm looking forward to getting to know her better.

Are any of you into American idol? I don't usualy get into it this early but it is amusing to watch. I often wonder if half this show is staged or do some of these people really think they are good?
Some of them are really good. I watched it last night while working.

There is another show on that combines singing with dancing and is a competition also. The judges are the ones that are from 'dancing with the stars. and there are some VERY talented people on that show.

Believe it or not I don't like soaps. :? Too much drama for me.:lol:


No way Lacy, lol. No more kids for me at least me not giving birth to one,lol. That event in my life has left me scared. It was traumatizing to say the least. I am happy with my only daughter, my 2 dogs oh and of course my Hubby. That is enough kids for me thanks. :mrgreen::peace:
I read your documentary the other day and have to say that you are a very good writer. Thats very impressive writing and the passion you have for your subject matter is clearly evident.

I found another female elite member who is joining us and just might give the diva contest a try. Her name is kitty. I hope she finds this section ok.:-|

Thanks Lacy, maybe sometime you can show me some of your writing sometime. =) I agree, I love expressive writing-- you seriously can "feel" a difference when you read it...

LOL.. sry.. totally misread that..:joint: guitar is so versitle- if you ever decide to try and learn, I'm sure you wouldn't regret it. :blsmoke:

Give it some time.. things will kick into gear. This place is great. :blsmoke:

A pleasure Lacy..:blsmoke:
How are you enjoying being home girlyhits?
Isn't it nice?:)

I'm going crazy being home. It's ok when everyone's at home .... but hubby goes off to work... kids off to school.... and then it's quiet. I know I know ... mom of 4 should love the quiet, but the years have wired me for noise and chaos.

I seriously need to find a job soon.
It will just take you a while to get used ot it.
I love the quiet and couldn't handle having to go off to work each and everyday. Not because I am lazy but just because I am used to being home now and the noise and chas I can do without. ;)

If you need to find a job I do hope you get a good one soon.

What do you take or do with your nightmares. if you don't mind me asking?:mrgreen::blsmoke:

I'm going crazy being home. It's ok when everyone's at home .... but hubby goes off to work... kids off to school.... and then it's quiet. I know I know ... mom of 4 should love the quiet, but the years have wired me for noise and chaos.

I seriously need to find a job soon.
I read your documentary the other day and have to say that you are a very good writer. Thats very impressive writing and the passion you have for your subject matter is clearly evident.

I found another female elite member who is joining us and just might give the diva contest a try. Her name is kitty. I hope she finds this section ok.:-|


Thanks Lacy for gettin a chance to read the whole thing. I appreciate the compliments. That isn't one of the main subjects I'm super passionate about but it's pretty much the beginning ground work for everything I hate. =) LOL..:blsmoke:

Love kitty. =) Chatted wit her last night for a bit.. I didn't know about the possible interest in the RIU divas though (even though I shoulda guessed from the avatar? lol) thanks for lettin' me know Lacy..
Just joined the elite to have access to Ladies only...I appreciate the guys point of view but gets a little rough in there so came to the "nicer" side. I am 41 and nestled somewhere in the Midwest. Grew up on the east coast, lived in Alaska for 10 years, biochemist by trade but now in real estate development and investments. I play the five string banjo, love to grow everything, travel to Europe every chance I get, grow five large organic vegetable gardens in the summer and do tons of canning. My winter garden is my passion, obsession really. I grow a little every winter for personal use and am very interested in gaining as much knowlege as possible on the subject. I am looking forward to meeting female growers as I really enjoy the insight and look forward to expanding my horizens. :mrgreen:
Just joined the elite to have access to Ladies only...I appreciate the guys point of view but gets a little rough in there so came to the "nicer" side. I am 41 and nestled somewhere in the Midwest. Grew up on the east coast, lived in Alaska for 10 years, biochemist by trade but now in real estate development and investments. I play the five string banjo, love to grow everything, travel to Europe every chance I get, grow five large organic vegetable gardens in the summer and do tons of canning. My winter garden is my passion, obsession really. I grow a little every winter for personal use and am very interested in gaining as much knowlege as possible on the subject. I am looking forward to meeting female growers as I really enjoy the insight and look forward to expanding my horizens. :mrgreen:

Welcome to the boards hon. :blsmoke: There's A LOT of knowledge flying around these boards- so if you ever have any questions, don't be afraid to ask- someone will know the answer around here. :blsmoke:
I appreciate the welcome...much friendlier in
looking forward to learning more and meeting some people who share;)
Welcome welcome Flowergurl. So nice to have you join us. We are VERY close in age. So cool!:)
Yes we are hoping to have this place a nice quiet place to sit and chat about this and that.
We all love music here and gardening. I do canning in the autumn also, mainly tomatoes or tomato sauce. I am even thinking of adding some lettuce to my new seeds.
Are you growing any weed flowergurl?
I am growing a nice variety and am in the process of obtaining my mm card. My hubby does not do weed and has always kept away but now he is becoming interested.
I've been married forever but wouldn't have it any other way. I have furbabies but no kids.:blsmoke:

I am quite busy with business at the moment but just noticed a new member so HAD to indroduce myself and welcome you. I am so VERY glad that you decided to join us and look forward to hearing more from you.

Just joined the elite to have access to Ladies only...I appreciate the guys point of view but gets a little rough in there so came to the "nicer" side. I am 41 and nestled somewhere in the Midwest. Grew up on the east coast, lived in Alaska for 10 years, biochemist by trade but now in real estate development and investments. I play the five string banjo, love to grow everything, travel to Europe every chance I get, grow five large organic vegetable gardens in the summer and do tons of canning. My winter garden is my passion, obsession really. I grow a little every winter for personal use and am very interested in gaining as much knowlege as possible on the subject. I am looking forward to meeting female growers as I really enjoy the insight and look forward to expanding my horizens. :mrgreen:
Welcome welcome Flowergurl. So nice to have you join us. We are VERY close in age. So cool!:)
Yes we are hoping to have this place a nice quiet place to sit and chat about this and that.
We all love music here and gardening. I do canning in the autumn also, mainly tomatoes or tomato sauce. I am even thinking of adding some lettuce to my new seeds.
Are you growing any weed flowergurl?
I am growing a nice variety and am in the process of obtaining my mm card. My hubby does not do weed and has always kept away but now he is becoming interested.
I've been married forever but wouldn't have it any other way. I have furbabies but no kids.:blsmoke:

I am quite busy with business at the moment but just noticed a new member so HAD to indroduce myself and welcome you. I am so VERY glad that you decided to join us and look forward to hearing more from you.


Yup.. and Lacy talks A LOT.:hump:. LOL.. We love ya Lacy.:mrgreen:
What a coincidence....I loooove to chat about this AND
I am growing a few babies from some seeds given to me by a friend, guessing they will be ready for harvest in a week or two....having a tough time deciding when the time is right. Been looking in the scope daily to hit the perfect time to slaughter the children. I'll have to send some pics for your opinion. Also have a few white widow clones just starting to flower and two more mystery clones just grabbing a foot hold. A friend and I have been trying to see how many times we can clone a clone before the genetics go kaput. I think we are on good. Kinda fun trying some new types as I have gotten all the kinks out of the WW and excited about the a new variety. I do alot of canning....not just grass...grin. Mostly tomatoes, salsa, marinara and pasta sauces, veggies, relish, and my favorite, bread and butter jalepenos. Keep pretty busy in the summer so have to nurture the winter garden monkey on my back when the weather turns cold. looking forward to getting to know everyone and very happy to be here!
Hello and welcome. Glad to see more grower chics coming here. :mrgreen::peace:

Just joined the elite to have access to Ladies only...I appreciate the guys point of view but gets a little rough in there so came to the "nicer" side. I am 41 and nestled somewhere in the Midwest. Grew up on the east coast, lived in Alaska for 10 years, biochemist by trade but now in real estate development and investments. I play the five string banjo, love to grow everything, travel to Europe every chance I get, grow five large organic vegetable gardens in the summer and do tons of canning. My winter garden is my passion, obsession really. I grow a little every winter for personal use and am very interested in gaining as much knowlege as possible on the subject. I am looking forward to meeting female growers as I really enjoy the insight and look forward to expanding my horizens. :mrgreen:
What a coincidence....I loooove to chat about this AND
I am growing a few babies from some seeds given to me by a friend, guessing they will be ready for harvest in a week or two....having a tough time deciding when the time is right. Been looking in the scope daily to hit the perfect time to slaughter the children. I'll have to send some pics for your opinion. Also have a few white widow clones just starting to flower and two more mystery clones just grabbing a foot hold. A friend and I have been trying to see how many times we can clone a clone before the genetics go kaput. I think we are on good. Kinda fun trying some new types as I have gotten all the kinks out of the WW and excited about the a new variety. I do alot of canning....not just grass...grin. Mostly tomatoes, salsa, marinara and pasta sauces, veggies, relish, and my favorite, bread and butter jalepenos. Keep pretty busy in the summer so have to nurture the winter garden monkey on my back when the weather turns cold. looking forward to getting to know everyone and very happy to be here!

You can clone as many generations as you want without losing the genetics. Jorge Cervantes says in his book that he's personally seen over 20 generations of the same clones- no loss in genetics or potency. =)

You've gotta get pix of your babies up- we wanna see.:mrgreen: LOL
Not sure where to post em?????On this thread???? :-?still learning the ropes

You can post pictures in your gallery (click on the marijuana pics link above)
You can start a grow journal in the "grow journal" forum
Or you can post them right here. :mrgreen: Doesn't really matter.
I posted some pics about growing in our ladies growing part but I don't think anyone really cares. I kinda like the idea of comparing different grow mediums, lighting etc. thats why i thought it would be cool to open up our own section.
