Getting very worried now! Please help?


Lets date this back to the beginning , just before I left my student house to return home for the festive period I noticed a small dark brown seed in my bag of buds, as a joke I planted it in my household plants pot.
Before leaving the house I threw the plant outside for the bin-men to collect as it was mostly dead anyway.

HOWEVER! this part gets really strange upon my return 2 1/2 weeks later after -5 tempretures, heavy winds, frosty nights and heavy rain I go out the back to have a cigarette and my friend ( who didn't know about me planting the seed ) points out a weird plant that has sprouted in the pot.
I suddenly remember what it was and was astounded at how it germinated and grew 2-3 inch's tall with 2 embryo leaves and 2 tiny leaves sprouting from the middle in these conditions. I brought the sapling inside and planted on the window edge so it

Iv came across several problems I need help troubleshooting please :(

My conditions and set up is a little like this

120 x 120 x 200 Mylar lined grow tent for indoors, I use;
- Duel spectrum 125W CFL with reflector
- 100w Large CFL hanging next to it.
- Age tap water for watering every 3-4 days
- 2 1/2 gallon plant pot with drainage holes
- mix of Biobizz, miricle grow and perlite soil ( I suspect to be the problem )
- Nutrients was diluted baby bio NPK 10.6 - 4.6 - 1.6
- Have two holes in my tent alongside a 30W desktop fan for ventilation

I have healthy Amphetamine automatic, amnesia automatic and berry ryder automatic seedlings in the same enviroment, I do mention I smoke indoors if that accounts for something?

My main issue is the :

1. Slow growth
2. What I thought was nute burns ( probabaly is as the soil has nutes and I tried putting in one of them autofeeders aswel! )
3. Yellowing tips ( even on new leafs )

Was wondering if anybody has any advice would truley be appreciated!
the age of my plant is now 60 days ( excluding the first 30 days due to stunted growth )



Active Member
My main issue is the :

1. Slow growth
2. What I thought was nute burns ( probabaly is as the soil has nutes and I tried putting in one of them autofeeders aswel! )
3. Yellowing tips ( even on new leafs )

Was wondering if anybody has any advice would truley be appreciated!
the age of my plant is now 60 days ( excluding the first 30 days due to stunted growth )
1. They will probably always grow slow. When they start out stunted in poor conditions they usually dont fully recover.
2 & 3. Sounds and looks like a little nute burn. I wouldn't worry too much about it.


Thanks for the reply! , yeh it is growing slow, but I was wondering is a soil change ( if possible ) or some better nutes/feeding routines would pick it up, its always been a healthy looking plant until the other day. :(


Active Member
Back off the nutrients a little and let it use whats in the soil. Add nutes back in when needed by the plant.

I dont know if I'd repot them, dont want to stress them anymore than you have to.


I read that you couldn't get nute burn off organic nutes which iv been feeding them? or is that wrong?