Getting Worried!!


Active Member
Well it all depends on what nutes you are feeding and also even more importantly WHAT THEY NEED. If you're using chemical nutes then every couple of weeks are normally good. I have always prefered organic based nutes though as they don't build up toxicity nearly as easily as the synthetic counterparts, so they are a lot easier to use (more forgiving) than stright chemical nutes which is better for the novice grower. This also means you won't need to flush like everyone says, even before harvest! There are so many benifits to organics I can carry on :spew:info here.. I would first test your tap water for the tds and ph before using it. Depends on where you live, some tap water could kill a plant in days, other flourish.
Good luck
Hey, on another note. I just tested the tap and it is only 40 ppm. that's a good sign i guess.


Active Member
yes you can use use dechlor from the pet industry. Just be sure that its straight dechlor and not the one with slime coat boosters and such. and also keep in mind that the ingredient in that stuff is sodium thiosulfate or something (basically salt). Although i cant see a few drops making a difference but you never know. Good luck


Well-Known Member
40 ppm for tap water is surprisingly low so go ahead! Either let it bubble like you have to let the chlorine dissipate, or you can use the ph corrector for your aquariums as you mensioned. I have heard a lot of folks use it with great success. Just make sure you get most of the chlorine out! They put it in tap water to kill bacteria and it will do the same to your good bacteria in your soil. I have been growin herb for close to 2 years (5th grow now) but been heavily involved in botany for many years. The best way to learn is doing a lot of research like on this forum, but also just by growing through trial and error, that is the best way to learn IMO. You will learn what works best for YOU. Also, if you prefer organics I would suggest using a good "live" soil mix for your next grow and not a "soiless" or hydroponic medium like you're using now. I have loads of info for really great organic soil mixes if you want to give it a bash. It's really worked well for me, been getting rock solid yields with a better tasting smoke IMO. If you need help just ask.
Good luck


Active Member
40 ppm for tap water is surprisingly low so go ahead! Either let it bubble like you have to let the chlorine dissipate, or you can use the ph corrector for your aquariums as you mensioned. I have heard a lot of folks use it with great success. Just make sure you get most of the chlorine out! They put it in tap water to kill bacteria and it will do the same to your good bacteria in your soil. I have been growin herb for close to 2 years (5th grow now) but been heavily involved in botany for many years. The best way to learn is doing a lot of research like on this forum, but also just by growing through trial and error, that is the best way to learn IMO. You will learn what works best for YOU. Also, if you prefer organics I would suggest using a good "live" soil mix for your next grow and not a "soiless" or hydroponic medium like you're using now. I have loads of info for really great organic soil mixes if you want to give it a bash. It's really worked well for me, been getting rock solid yields with a better tasting smoke IMO. If you need help just ask.
Good luck
Hey TrichomeKid, yeah the water ppm is surprising compared to a lot of reads others get in the states, some reaching into the 600s.
As far as the soil ordeal, I should be a bit more specific. When I transplanted those seedlings, I mix a bit of organic soil with the hydro medium (70 hydro/30 soil).
Logic told me that I could have a better control over nute buildup and flushing if need be, while having some soil to hold nutes and other minerals.
These plants are going to be moms. If you think that it is best to go straight organic soil at next larger pot transplant then I will do so. Again, I am here to learn.
The reason I have the organic nutes are because I built an aquamist system and will be cloning those moms when they are ready.
I know you may think that I am aiming high for my first grow with an aquamist system, but I've always been that way for everything. But I read almost every day about what my next steps should be well before I have to take those steps. I found inspiration for this method of growing through the SeeMoreBuds DVD. I don't know if you have seen it but I like what he does cause it is no thrills and high yields. I just raised the light a foot higher because the stalks are getting pretty thick and I need the moms to grow higher. I've attached a couple updated pics with the girlies and the mom room setup. What you can't see is a fan that constantly blows on them to prevent pests, mold and to strengthen them.
Anyways, your thoughts are always appreciated. Thanks again. :)



Well-Known Member
But well I have been using water machine Spring water which I'm sure is missing elements such as iron, cal, and other beneficial stuff that tap normally has in the states. I have 10gl of it that I aerating as we speak and will give it a try on some test plants.
On that note. I want to rid the tap of chlorine/chloramine/ammonia. I used to be an aquariest and used a water conditioner (de-chlorifier) for making tank water. It didn't kill the fish, I wonder if it would be as good for the plants. Know anthing about that? Anyways, plants are looking better. I've been foilage feeding N,P,K, and a low dose of nutes. Leaves are starting to green up again.
So by the way, thanks for all the info. How long you've been at this? It's my first with lots of reading but little practice.


I'm glad to hear things are going better for you. That cal/mag def. is a bitch!

Have you considered a reverse osmosis filter system. You can find some pretty cheap ones on ebay. They probably have around town too.

Good Luck,


Well-Known Member
Spring water could very well be your problem, spring water is "tap" water from where ever it is bottled.
Do NOT use distilled, I made that mistake.
just let your tap water set out 24 hours and you should b n good shape.


Active Member
But well I have been using water machine Spring water which I'm sure is missing elements such as iron, cal, and other beneficial stuff that tap normally has in the states. I have 10gl of it that I aerating as we speak and will give it a try on some test plants.
On that note. I want to rid the tap of chlorine/chloramine/ammonia. I used to be an aquariest and used a water conditioner (de-chlorifier) for making tank water. It didn't kill the fish, I wonder if it would be as good for the plants. Know anthing about that? Anyways, plants are looking better. I've been foilage feeding N,P,K, and a low dose of nutes. Leaves are starting to green up again.
So by the way, thanks for all the info. How long you've been at this? It's my first with lots of reading but little practice.

I'm glad to hear things are going better for you. That cal/mag def. is a bitch!

Have you considered a reverse osmosis filter system. You can find some pretty cheap ones on ebay. They probably have around town too.

Good Luck,

Hey Dieselhound,
That's the thing, I'd love to have an RO but I live in Costa Rica and to find anything around here is impossible or mega expensive. I had to import all my gear and nutes. There is barely anyone growing down here. At home that is. But I get by, I built an aquamist system and made holes in bicycle caps with a needle to make the misters, stuff like that. But yeah, the water deal, I aerate the water and use dechlorifier now. That way I still have some minerals that I was missing with Spring Water. Plus mail system here is really slow and that's if it ever makes it. :p


Active Member
Spring water could very well be your problem, spring water is "tap" water from where ever it is bottled.
Do NOT use distilled, I made that mistake.
just let your tap water set out 24 hours and you should b n good shape.
Yeah I'm tapping it now., Interesting enough, the ppm is is only 40. Make me wonder but it seems fine so far. :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm tapping it now., Interesting enough, the ppm is is only 40. Make me wonder but it seems fine so far. :)
Your right, 40 is not bad. Mine is 40-44 ppm city water. R/o also takes care of chlorine.

What's w/ people advising against distilled water? Runoff from my a.c. and dehumidifier is distilled. I think. Pls. correct me if I am wrong. I have always been told I can use that in my res. Mine goes to drain but, i could use it.

I noticed you were in Costa Rica, did'nt know how mail or other stuff is.

I would trade my current crop for a vacation in Costa Rica. All inclusive of course. Don't the locals have anything good? Pricey?

Good Luck,


Active Member
Your right, 40 is not bad. Mine is 40-44 ppm city water. R/o also takes care of chlorine.

What's w/ people advising against distilled water? Runoff from my a.c. and dehumidifier is distilled. I think. Pls. correct me if I am wrong. I have always been told I can use that in my res. Mine goes to drain but, i could use it.

I noticed you were in Costa Rica, did'nt know how mail or other stuff is.

I would trade my current crop for a vacation in Costa Rica. All inclusive of course. Don't the locals have anything good? Pricey?

Good Luck,
It's a beautiful place and the women are smokin, no pun intended. You can get an ounce for $40. But it's seedy, but it works. They have what they call creepy and that goes for $350-$400, same as back home but hard to find, but I have no idea what strand and nor do they. But it's mainly the regular stuff circulating. I said screw it, I'll farm my own stash instead. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Your right, 40 is not bad. Mine is 40-44 ppm city water. R/o also takes care of chlorine.

What's w/ people advising against distilled water? Runoff from my a.c. and dehumidifier is distilled. I think. Pls. correct me if I am wrong. I have always been told I can use that in my res. Mine goes to drain but, i could use it.

I noticed you were in Costa Rica, did'nt know how mail or other stuff is.

I would trade my current crop for a vacation in Costa Rica. All inclusive of course. Don't the locals have anything good? Pricey?

Good Luck,
LOL ac run off, no it's not distilled, it can have loads of bacteria from your ac core, rust, corrosion from the copper, so yeah use it and you will probably regret it big time. Someone told me I could piss in my plants that it was distilled and sterile to but I dont.

Dist water doesn't have micro nutes, when I mixed it with organic fish fert somehow the ph drops to 3-4, hmm but plain tap water is 6.5-7, I had all kinds of problems trying to use dist, when i went to tap (not even letting it sit 5 mins) I havent had any problems.

It's cheaper to use tap to beat all.
Why pay more for shitty results??

I need to find me a sak 2day Im so gonna b Mr. jones ....:peace:


Well-Known Member
LOL ac run off, no it's not distilled, it can have loads of bacteria from your ac core, rust, corrosion from the copper, so yeah use it and you will probably regret it big time. Someone told me I could piss in my plants that it was distilled and sterile to but I dont.

Dist water doesn't have micro nutes, when I mixed it with organic fish fert somehow the ph drops to 3-4, hmm but plain tap water is 6.5-7, I had all kinds of problems trying to use dist, when i went to tap (not even letting it sit 5 mins) I havent had any problems.

It's cheaper to use tap to beat all.
Why pay more for shitty results??

I need to find me a sak 2day Im so gonna b Mr. jones ....:peace:
LOL? I feed it to outdoor plants all day long and they love it. Maybe you need to know what your talking about before giving bad advise.

He was using an alternate water source because he is unsure of what he is dealing with in Costa Rica. I'm sure you don't just hop online and check your water quality.

What's a phenom like you doing looking for a sak? I've got jars of my last six grows stacked up in the wine cellar. What you need? I GOT YOU.



Well-Known Member
LOL? I feed it to outdoor plants all day long and they love it. Maybe you need to know what your talking about before giving bad advise.

He was using an alternate water source because he is unsure of what he is dealing with in Costa Rica. I'm sure you don't just hop online and check your water quality.

What's a phenom like you doing looking for a sak? I've got jars of my last six grows stacked up in the wine cellar. What you need? I GOT YOU.

Im a new grower so I haven't gotten around to filling the jars quite yet, however my advise isn't as bad as you may think, again your copper ac core corrodes, copper is deposited into the "ac" water, not to mention any bacteria and MOLD spores.

No ask yourself this, would you want to introduce that to your beauties?
Im fortunate enough to live in a very good water quality area where it isn't even necessary for me to let it sit, I use it right out of the sink without any problems, but yeah I know areas have crap for water and that suck, just trying to help the guy out. Even thou I'm a new grower doesn't mean I'm a complete moron, only partly thanks.

Roll a blunt n lets chill sir:peace:


Well-Known Member
LOL? I feed it to outdoor plants all day long and they love it. Maybe you need to know what your talking about before giving bad advise.

He was using an alternate water source because he is unsure of what he is dealing with in Costa Rica. I'm sure you don't just hop online and check your water quality.

What's a phenom like you doing looking for a sak? I've got jars of my last six grows stacked up in the wine cellar. What you need? I GOT YOU.

If you got any good I could use a nice O right about now, my guy has been dicking me around all afternoon.


Well-Known Member
Hey TrichomeKid, yeah the water ppm is surprising compared to a lot of reads others get in the states, some reaching into the 600s.
As far as the soil ordeal, I should be a bit more specific. When I transplanted those seedlings, I mix a bit of organic soil with the hydro medium (70 hydro/30 soil).
Logic told me that I could have a better control over nute buildup and flushing if need be, while having some soil to hold nutes and other minerals.
These plants are going to be moms. If you think that it is best to go straight organic soil at next larger pot transplant then I will do so. Again, I am here to learn.
The reason I have the organic nutes are because I built an aquamist system and will be cloning those moms when they are ready.
I know you may think that I am aiming high for my first grow with an aquamist system, but I've always been that way for everything. But I read almost every day about what my next steps should be well before I have to take those steps. I found inspiration for this method of growing through the SeeMoreBuds DVD. I don't know if you have seen it but I like what he does cause it is no thrills and high yields. I just raised the light a foot higher because the stalks are getting pretty thick and I need the moms to grow higher. I've attached a couple updated pics with the girlies and the mom room setup. What you can't see is a fan that constantly blows on them to prevent pests, mold and to strengthen them.
Anyways, your thoughts are always appreciated. Thanks again. :)
Hey man your plants are looking very happy, what light you running again? They nice and low and bushy... As for the complete organic soil, that's totally up to you. If this soil mix you made has been working well for you then go with it (if you can remember the exact mix:hug:) But organics have really been treating me well. I have so many soil mix recipes, if you want I can pm some good ones to you. You can just carry on doing what you doing they look very happy....and don't worry about using your tap water, it actually seems nice and "soft"... Just clear that chlorine..

Also, I read that you want to switch to 18/6? Were you running 24/0? I wouldn't recommend it if you wanna grow mothers as they will want to flower!! and screw up your whole grow.. Strictly stick to your current light schedule to keep in veg..
Good luck :peace:


Active Member
Hey man your plants are looking very happy, what light you running again? They nice and low and bushy... As for the complete organic soil, that's totally up to you. If this soil mix you made has been working well for you then go with it (if you can remember the exact mix:hug:) But organics have really been treating me well. I have so many soil mix recipes, if you want I can pm some good ones to you. You can just carry on doing what you doing they look very happy....and don't worry about using your tap water, it actually seems nice and "soft"... Just clear that chlorine..

Also, I read that you want to switch to 18/6? Were you running 24/0? I wouldn't recommend it if you wanna grow mothers as they will want to flower!! and screw up your whole grow.. Strictly stick to your current light schedule to keep in veg..
Good luck :peace:
Hey TrichomeKid, I didn't recognize you right off the bat since you changes your avatar, which I like by the way!
I use a 600w sodium. They girls were happy until I decided to give them a flush of just 6.5 h2o. I don't know what happened but I got nute burn bad on a couple of them. I don't get it. I'm thinking I might have had nute lock because of high or low ph cause I still don't have the ph meter to test the runoff. And so when I flushed it might have released the nutes. I really don't know, I'm perplexed about it. Check out ( see what I mean, pics there too. And since you brought up the 18/6 deal, i'd like to have your imput on this one. As you know I am growing them under a 600w sodium 24/7, well once they reach maturity as moms, I was thinking of placing them under maybe 300w CFLs, on an 18/6 or keep them on a 24/7 light cycle because I need that light for the flower room. Any ideas on how I can go about this without upsetting the moms?
How are things with you, what's happening in your little greenhouse? :)


Well-Known Member
Greenhouse? It's good to learn now what you going through... "to not give them what they don't need" is the golden rule for me. You will learn to know what to give em when they need it.
If they were healthy why did you flush? Flushing should be the last resort to a dying plant. Your link doesn't work btw.
As for the light thing, you can make a seperate cfl room for the 2, but don't CHANGE the LIGHT CYCLE. If they were on 24 you need to keep it that way to stay in veg.
A very established female plant CAN jump at a slight decrease in light and go into bloom.


Well-Known Member
At day 25 the light shouldnt be an issue. Shows definate Nitrogen deficiency. What kind of Nitrogen/nutes are you feeding it? The coco fiber and the ph can be the cause here this is basically close to a hydro type grow so the ph should be around 5.5-5.8. Dont use the spring water tap water is fine just ph it.79 might be a bhit high unless you have good fans moving the air since your not using co2 try for 75ish. Dont overwater either as the coco holds water. You may need to flush as the high ph may have created lock out then start a good nitrogen feed on this.
^- I must agree with fletch here and your farmer buddy. Its a nute defic. due to block out. Flush and then hit it with some nitrogen. Maybe a water/molasses solution b4 resuming normal nutes?